Prove Thyself - 汝自身を証明せよ

Start from the beginning

However, Shinobu and the others trust the Master, so you should too... right?

Besides, you wanted to join the Corps and knew what it would entail if you were accepted. And you had already accepted whatever fate may fall upon you—whether you'd live or die while serving the Corps—so now you need to suck it up and do what you promised yourself.

No more running...

No more hiding...

No more being afraid...

You want to help and fight by their sides. To make a difference, no matter how small or insignificant it may be. You could do this—you have to. Whatever you encounter on this mission, whatever you have to do, you will fight and try your best to prove that you are capable and worthy to stand by their sides, to help protect those who cannot protect themselves, and call yourself a true Demon Slayer. You may never reach the prowess of a Hashira, but you'll give it your all and die trying.

"Okay..." You say, letting the feelings wash over you and then slip away, trying to remain calm. "Where am I going? Who am I meeting? And what exactly will I be doing?"

"I don't know, I was not given the details. You will meet with one of the other Hashira at the headquarters and receive more information then."

You frown a little but nod, bidding her a good night before making your way to your room. As soon as you step inside, you head to a desk, grabbing some paper and ink. Your hands have the slightest tremble as you dip the brush in the ink and swipe it over the paper, taking your time to write down what's going on so your friends won't worry too much about your sudden disappearance. It helps calm you down a bit, though your anxiety remains at the edge.

You'll be gone first thing in the morning... on your very first mission.

You don't know if you'll be completely alone or if the Hashira you're meeting with will accompany you the entire time, which you hope is the case. You also wonder who you're meeting—have you met them before? The mystery is bothersome, but you'll find out soon enough. With one last touch to the paper, you sign your name and get ready for bed. The moon's light shines through your window as you tuck yourself in, leaving the curtains open to ward off the pitch-black darkness. You've never been afraid of the dark, but tonight, you need something to remind you that there's still light even in darkness. As you lie there, you think about Rengoku, his training advice playing in your mind.

Do not hesitate! Be confident and give it your all! Focus on your breathing! And most importantly, do not give up!

Sleep doesn't come easily, but eventually, you succumb. When you wake, morning is near, and you prepare for the day, your movements slow as you get dressed. Your mind is weary, having trouble truly resting, but now, you're about to face what you've been striving to do—yet also fearing.

It's time...

In this peaceful hour, a hushed tranquility blankets the land. Lush greenery adorns every corner of the headquarters, with meticulously manicured gardens and vibrant flowerbeds bathed in the soft glow of the morning light. The delicate petals of cherry blossoms, lotus flowers, or vibrant hydrangeas open up, reaching towards the heavens, offering a spectacle of colors that evoke a sense of awe and wonder. The rhythmic chorus of cicadas begins to resonate, their high-pitched notes creating a distinct soundtrack of the season.

As the morning progresses, the sun ascends higher in the sky, casting its gentle warmth upon everything it touches. An early morning in the summer is a precious and ephemeral moment, where time seems to stand still, allowing one to fully appreciate the beauty of nature. Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the leader of the Corps, finds absolute peace in moments such as this. The scent of incense lingers in the air, blending with the aroma of freshly brewed green tea that's been prepared for the arrival of three of his beloved 'children.' He waits patiently just inside of the entrance of the estate, sitting in front of a low standing table that holds the tea.

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