Start from the beginning

"We could try pulling the fire alarm." (Y/n) suggested.

"No... She'd still stay in her office, I'm pretty sure that real fire won't affect her much either." Gwen said.

The two became quiet again. "What if...." (Y/n) started. "What if....?" Gwen asked. "What if.... She discovers another Spider-Man? Or, in this case, Spider-Woman. I'm sure that'll catch her attention immediately, and she'll start either examining her or fighting her." (Y/n) said. "Are you crazy-? That's a terrible idea! Don't you think there's a possibility that Spider-Woman will get caught?" Gwen asked. "I know, but... It's the only thing that can actually distract her right now." (Y/n) explained.

Gwen sighed in frustration. I mean-- (Y/n) wasn't technically lying.

Just as Gwen was about to give her insight, suddenly, something crashed right into (Y/n), or more like someone. The anonymous person ended up colliding with (Y/n), landing on top of her on the ground.

The person slowly rose up, wincing in pain, that was until he caught the eyes of the female under him. "Uh... Hi..." The person managed to breathe out. "Hi...?" (Y/n) greeted back, unsure of what to do. The person infront of her was was oddly familiar, having a similar voice and body structure of someone she knows, though they were wearing a Spider-Man merch that was obviously too small for them, and the person could say the same for her, except, instead of a Spider-Man merch, she wore a pair of glasses and a large white lab coat. Before any of them could get a good look of each other to come to a conclusion of who they were, they heard a loud bang from the room the person was running away from, this brought the person back to their senses and immediately started to run away once again.

Gwen helped (Y/n) to her feet, feeling equally shocked as her companion. "Who was that?" Gwen asked. "I don't know, but I think I have a clue of who they are." The two quickly made their way towards the head scientist's office only to find it a complete mess, with no computer found in it. As they made their out of the building disappointed, a scientist suddenly stopped the duo.

"Quick! We're going to need more people to join us in the chase!" The scientist said.

"What chase?" Gwen asked.

"Haven't you heard? Spider-Man is on the loose with a mysterious companion, and they stole a bagel!" The scientist said, picking up their weapon and running out of the building, followed by more scientists.

Gwen and (Y/n) looked at each other before nodding in agreement.


In another part of the forest where the campus was located in, Miles, together with Peter, were currently on a run for their lives. Or... More like Miles was on a run for his life...

"Miles! You have to swing or else they'll catch you!" Peter yelled at him, swinging by. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

Miles kept running with Doc Ock hot on his trail.

"Aim with your hip! Look where you want to hit! Square your shoulders! Don't forget to follow through!" Peter instructed as he continued to swing.

"That's too many things!" Miles yelled in frustration.

"Then stop listening to me!"

"That's the best idea you've had all day!"

As Miles races all the way up a tree, he makes it to the very top and jumps off of it, just in time to miss the flesh ripping tentacle of Doc Ock's.

While in the air, Miles finally manages to fire a web and swings away, surprising Peter as he knocks down Doc Ock.

"Nice Miles!" Peter praises him.

"Alright, double tap to release and thwip it out again. Thwip and release, thwip and release, you feel the the rythm?" Peter asked as he instructed. Miles happily nodded as they swung away together.

"I've gotta say. You're amazing man!" Miles told Peter.

"We're like a little team! Me as a teacher who can still do it. You as a student who can do it, just not as good. I'm proud of us! Is there something you want to say to m-" before Peter could complete his statement, he suddenly started to glitch, making himself fall. "Peter!" Miles called out as he followed his friend down.

The two landed on top of a branch. Miles held on the cable that held on the computer, but, unfortunately, the computer disconnected from the cable and began to fall. Before it could hit the ground, Doc Ock reached out to it and caught it.

The branch that both Peter and Miles were on, broke and soon the began to fall. Just when Miles thought that all was lost, suddenly, amongst the trees, two figures, one white while the other black, are seen swinging into the scene, taking everyone by surprise. The two male spiders were caught midair by their webs. Doc Ock smiled as she watched the two swing down.

The one in white trapped Doc Ock by sticking her tentacles on the trees using her webs as she sent a quick kick on Doc Ock 's jaw. To finalize their move, the clad in black, swung towards Doc Ock at full force kicking her in the gut, sending her flying back. The figure in black caught the computer and soon joined the trio.

The figure in white was first to remove her mask. Miles stared at the figure in shock, "Gwanda-?!" "It's, Gwen, actually." She corrected. "You know her? Very cool~" Peter said. Gwen then narrated the story of how she became Spider-Woman, "but back in my dimension I'm called 'Ghost Spider'." She finished.

"I like your new haircut." Miles told her. "You don't get to like my new haircut." Gwen told him. As two teens were conversing, Peter took notice of the figure behind Gwen.

"Okay Ghost Spider what about your little quiet friend over there?" Peter asked, curious about the figure in a black suit. The figure removed her mask, revealing her identity, taking Miles by a larger surprise. "(Y/N)?!!"

"Call me ' OBSIDIAN '."


1, 620 words!! I also just realized I finally reached 100 reads! Thank you!!!! I love you all and appreciate that you chose to read this book even though there are plenty others. As always, have a lovely time wherever you are!

OBSIDIAN // Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now