Chapter 2

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William's pov

I woke up the next day completely exhausted. Even after sleeping I still felt very tired. I got out of bed and changed into some clean clothes. I left my room and walked downstairs. I went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee, though I found Flare in there, a cup of coffee in her hand. She handed me the cup of coffee and I took a sip of it.

"You know me all too well," I said.

"I know," Flare said in sign language.

(Flare is not able to speak, so she uses sign language to communicate.)

"I am basically a gender bend of you after all." I chuckled a bit when she said that. "Anyways," she signed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling tired, but otherwise I'm fine," I responded. "I should probably stop staying out so late." I looked around for a minute and then I whispered, "If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone?" She nodded her head yes.

"Well," I whispered. "I actually have a huge crush on Henry." Flare seemed like she would have laughed if she could. "YOU BETTER NOT WANT TO LAUGH!" I yelled.

"Sorry," she signed. "I was just really surprised. I never thought you would love Henry of all people." I took another sip of my coffee and then I said, "I need to go do something." I left the kitchen, leaving my coffee behind. I walked over to the front door and went to open it, though I felt someone's presence behind me. "Hello, my wonderful brother," I heard Glitchtrap say.

"What do you want?" I asked, very annoyed sense I wasn't in the mood to deal with them.

"Just wanted to know where you're going," they answered.

"I'm going to Henry's," I said, after which I left the house, slamming the door behind me. I walked on the sidewalk, looking at all the houses. I passed by a blue house, a brown house, a green house, an orange house, wait a minute. I looked back at the orange house and I face palmed. I about walked past Henry's house. I walked onto the front porch and went to knock on the door, though I felt someone's presence. "What do you want now?" I asked Glitchtrap.

They appeared in front of me and said, "Decided to come with you."

"Go back home," I said, very annoyed.

"How about no," they said with a smug look on their face.

I gave them this death glare and said, "Go home, NOW!" Without saying anything they glitched away. I walked up to the front door and I felt my heart pounding. Well, my mechanical heart. Anyways, I knocked on the front door. "Just a minute!" I heard Henry yell. A minute later Henry opened the door. "Hey there Henry," I said.

"Hi William," he responded.

"Is it alright if I come in?" I asked.

"Sure," he responded. I walked inside and I walked over to the living room. I sat down on the couch and Henry sat in the chair. "So, what do you want?" Henry asked.

"I wanted to thank you for last night," I answered. "It was really nice of you to lend me a hand. Also, I wanted to tell you something." There was a moment of silence between us before he answered. "What do you want to tell me?" He asked.

"I just wanted to say that, I, well," I said. I gulped before I finished my sentence. "I love you." Silence filled the room and I felt like a complete idiot. Soon the silenece got awkward and I decided to speak up. "I completely understand if you dont feel the same about me. Especially after everything I have done to you and your family. Well, I better get going." I got up off the couch and I walked over to the front door. I went to grab the handle, though Henry grabbed my wrist. I turned around and asked, "What do you want?" He was silent for a minute, though he soon let go of my wrist. He then opened the door and pointed outside. "Go," he said.

I did as he said and I left the house. I knew better than to deny him. I walked over to the sidewalk and I looked up at the sky. I had a feeling that he didn't like me, though I honestly wonder what he was planning to say to me. I could feel tears start to form in my eyes. I had a feeling he would reject me, though I still got my hopes up. I started to cry as I walked back home. I can't believe that I ever decided to tell him the truth about how I feel. I also can't believe that I am crying in public. I decided to call Glitchtrap in hopes they would teleport me home. I scrolled through my contacts until I found their contact. I called them and after a few seconds they answered. "Hello brother," they said in a cheerful voice.

"Hi bud," I said, still sobbing a bit.

"Where are you?" Glitchtrap asked, very obviously concerned now. I told them where I was and they said that they would be there in a second, and they weren't joking when they said that. They appeared a second later right in front of me. They looked at me and they could tell that I was really upset. They spread their arms wide and said, "Come here." I walked over to them and I hugged them, of which they hugged me back. "There there," they said as they patted my back. "Let's head home." They glitched us back to the house and then they let me go. "Sit," they said as they pointed at the couch. I did as they said and then they looked towards the stairs that lead to the basement. "FLARE!" They yelled. "GET THE FUCK UP HERE!" A second later Flare glitched into the living room. "What's going on?" Flare signed as she looked at me.

"Your father is in a bad mood," Glitchtrap said. "Will you please go get him something to eat?" Flare instead of answering them went to the kitchen, most likely to get me something to eat. Glitchtrap sat down next to me and they patted my back. I quickly broke down and started to cry my eyes out. Glitchtrap kept on comforting me and Flare soon came back with some food. She handed me the food and I said, "Thank you so much."

"So, what happened?" Flare signed. I wiped away my tears and then I said, "Well, I decided that I was going to confess to Henry." Glitchtrap gave me this weird and confused look. "Look, I love Henry, okay," I said. "Anyways, I went to his house and I told him how I felt. Let's just say that he was silent for a bit and then told me to leave. I honestly don't know if he hates me, loves me, dislikes me, or likes me. I just don't know." I looked at the floor for a second and then my phone went off. I grabbed my phone and it turns out Henry was calling me. I decided to answer the call. "Hey," I said.

"Hi William," Henry responded. "I was wondering something."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

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