chapter 3: the start of year 3

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"would you two stop bickering like a married couple for 5 minutes" i irritatedly told ron and hermoine when they started arguing for the 7th time because of crookshanks, hermoine's cat and scabber's, ron's rat.

"yeah its george and looney's job to be the married couple of the group guys!" fred said while giving me his best cheshire cat smile.

i rolled my eyes at him and flipped him off quickly.

"there's harry!" ron said, i turned around to give harry a bear hug. 

the past 2 years at hogwarts had been anything but normal for me, harry, hermoine and ron. from having people being petrified to a professor with voldemort at the back of his head things weren't the most simplest for us but we pulled through and in return, all 4 of us became inseparable.

we were all at the leaky couldron, after the weasley's vacation to egypt that summer, me and hermoine along with the redheads went over to stay at the leaky couldron where we had been told harry would be since he blew up his aunt (??) we were still somewhat unsure on the details but fred and george were especially excited to know more about harry's deed.

speaking of which, the twins and i had somewhat of a reputation by now at school. after the first night at hogwarts, the marauders map wasnt the only secret the twins shared with me. me along with lee jordan were the only 2 people at hogwarts who could actually keep up with their chaos and hence we 4 formed a pretty tight knit friend group. 


 i was sitting in a compartment with my brother, xavier and a few of his friends. i hadn't been at home for the last 4 days of the break as i had gone to visit hermoine and then the weasley family hence we decided to sit and catch up before we got to hogwarts.

"oh and cedric taught me this one keeper's trick to block the quaffle with my foot" xavier told 

"cool, i still dont understand how its fun for you to wait at one place the entire match and enjoy not going around the entire pitch" i told him while stealing one of the beans from justin's  bertie botts that he had in his hand-

"eugh earthworm" i said after popping one in my mouth

"being a keeper is fun lulu, you are in full control of whether or not the other team scores." xavier bantered his case

"sure, very important"

"how are things going with george?" cedric asked, suddenly

"huh?" i looked at him, but before i could say anything more xavier started rambling

"what do you mean 'things', there is no 'thing'. right lulu? RIGHT?" 

"jeez xav calm down, they're practically attached to the hips all the time and they seem close. a lot of people assume that they're going out or something" cedric 

"yeah no we are friends, best friends perhaps and you-" i said pointing at xavier

"-need to calm your ass down, you don't have to go all bezerk from the topic of me dating someone. im as old as you are, i can do whatever i like" 

"i know its just weird to think about, besides no one would want to date the girl who chose 'smash' for professor snape" xavier said while laughing, and his friends joined in

"IT WAS NOT MY FAULT THE OTHER OPTION WAS VOLDEMORT WHAT DO I DO." i defended myself knowing how i had been made fun of for this for the longest time. now everytime cedric, justic and xavier would see snape walk by with me in view, they'd start wolf whistling and hooting.

seeing how the hufflepuff boys would not stop laughing i gave up-

"god, ill see you all at hogwarts. im going to go and check up on my ACTUAL housemates who respect me unlike you guys" 

on my way to hermoine, harry and ron's compartment, i bumped into a can there be a pole in a train? i looked up, and realised that pole happened to be george weasley himself.

"LUNA  ,DUCK" he said while dragging me down with him, i lost balance and landed in a weird uncomfortable position half on the floor and half on top of george.

"i swear if i die because of you someday, ill haunt your flat ass so much weasley" i grumbled

i heard a wizz and looked up to see a tiny display of fireworks, they looked weirdly pretty and they were in my favourite colour, red (very gryffindor of me, yes)

"oh that's actually wicked" i said while getting up

"its a prototype, ofcourse the real thing would be much bigger. and did you notice i made them your favourite colour, 'royal red'" george said

"i did actually" i said while going on my toes to pat his head, giving headpats was something me and george did often. it was a weird motion of endearment for us

"although i don't appreciate your comment on my, might i add bodacious ass" 

"its a wall, you pole" i said with a small snicker

"my mom's an amazing baker luna, you know i have cake. you just dont want to admit it" he said with a wink

"i don't understand why so many girls like you george" i said, 

the amount of girls ive had come up to me to ask questions regarding george and to clarify whether or not we're dating. hell, the amount of girls who dislike me just for being close to him is weirdly astronomical. unlike fred who enjoys the attention, george doesn't exactly bathe in it. but he does get awkward on the occassion of any girl hitting on him directly.

"oh you know why they do" he said, and leaned a little too close to me with that stupid gorgeous small smirk thing he does. for some reason i felt my breathing getting shallow and face become insanely warm, i had no idea what was happening.

we both got startled when we heard a cough behind us-

"if you guys are done..with whatever this is. miss adams is being summoned by ronnikins" , it was lee.

 i quickly gave him a hug as it was the first time i was seeing him after the break and hurried along without making eye contact with george towards the compartment where ron, harry and hermoine were in

"i cant wait to tell fred, our little boy is finally growing up" lee said

"i would've actually made some progress, if you hadn't interrupted" george replied saltily

"hey, not my fault blame your brother. i was just doing as i was told alright?" lee said with a small laugh.


the rest of the ride was spent in discussing sirius black. oh yeah, and soul sucking weird entities: dementors. harry fainted, professor lupin finally got up from his slumber and gave harry free chocolate. 

so nothing too interesting, nope not at all.

"just one normal year at hogwarts, is that too much to ask for" ron sighed while exiting the train

"yes apparently so, mr potter over here just HAS to be quirky and 'different'" i said

"yes harry stop being so weird, my god" hermoine commented with a laugh

"can't help, too busy fainting over past trauma and 'dementums'" harry replied while dramatically pretending to wipe sweat off his forehead

despite knowing this year like the previous ones would be anything but normal, we still couldn't help but laugh and enjoy each other's presence. we will be okay, we knew that for sure as long as hermoine is there to save our ass and ron is well fed. and well, me and harry, we just kind of get by and laugh sometimes.


author's note: please let me know your feedbacks. i would appreciate it so much!

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