Study, Study, Study

Start from the beginning

"Lillie Joe!" Luna called my attention and then pointed to a poster.

It was on the bulletin board in the hallway of the school. It read:


All kids in seventh grade are invited to spend the whole night hanging out with and listening to GREEN DAY. It is tomorrow night, so make sure you bring snacks, drinks, and towels. It starts at 7: 45 pm and ends at midnight. You get to meet your favorite bands and get an autograph or picture with them. You can thank the seventh-grade basketball, cheerleaders, and football teams for this reward. They have won every game and competition they have competed in all year! Make sure you say thank you to your fellow seventh graders. If your behavior and grades are less than satisfactory, you will NOT be joining this event! Have fun meeting your favorite musicians and partying with your friends.


Enjoy a private party with Green Day and people in my grade? That sounds amazing! My joy and hopes decreased once I realized that my mother would never let me go. She never lets me do anything fun. She doesn't care how important it is for me, she'll never allow it. But... maybe if I sneak out-

"OH MY GOSH!" my thoughts were interrupted by Luna's squealing, "Can you believe it? We get to meet Green Day!"

"I know," I said, gloomily.

Luna noticed my expression and calmed down, "What's wrong?"

"I'm gonna let you take a wild guess," I gave a sarcastic smile.

"Wait... your mom would never let you go," she realized.

"Yeah," I whined.

"Are you thinking about sneaking out?"

"Well, I was but your squealing interrupted me," I laughed.

"I'm sorry," she blushed.

"It's fine."

"Let's just go to class," we said in unison.

I laughed while Lune blushed and sped off toward her class. I wondered what that was about and walked to my class as well.

Luna and I only have four out of eight classes together, mainly because in every class we had together, there was a girl who always harassed Luna for hanging out with me.

Luna is gay. She told me a year or two after meeting me. She doesn't know that I'm bisexual since I didn't even know until three months ago when I got a growing crush on the girl who bullied Luna. I know that makes me a bad friend, but that girl is really pretty. She's nice to me and loves talking to me. Luna knows I talk to her, and comes to me whenever the girl takes her bullying too far.

The girl's name is Ash-Lynn. She has short, light brown hair and hazel dark brown eyes. She's really funny and smart. Since Luna and I don't share a lunch period, I sit with Ash-Lynn and her friends.

I arrived at my class before the bell rang and sat in my assigned seat. I'm sat in between Ash-Lynn and my other friend Matthew. Matthew is a shared friend between me and Luna. He used to be attracted to Luna, but he found out she was gay and it has been pretty awkward between them ever since then.

Matthew entered the class and sat in his seat, "Hey, Lillie."

"Hey, Mat," I greeted back.

"Did you see the poster?"


"What's wrong? Are you going?"

"I don't know."

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