CH. 2 - Visitor

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CH. 2 - Visitor
(Pov - Epic Wubbox of Cold Island, or Icicle)
I was still waiting for Vine, but there was no sign of him. He usually is never late to anything, so whatever he is doing better be important because this was something we had to discuss with our other siblings.
"Any- error e-error him?"Zel-0 asked me
"Nope. Nothing." I responded back to him with a sigh. Zel-0 looked at me with a sad, and worried look.
"Do- BUFFER OVER- he's- error- okay?" He asked me looking all around and back at me.
I nodded knowing that he had to be okay. This wasn't normal, but I signaled him to go. He walked away with no hesitation and with one last look, he went off to go tell the news to the rest.

It was at least 2 hours of no sign of him.
Where is he?...did he… NO GET THOSE THOUGHTS AWAY. There would have been no way. Galvana promised that she would keep us safe, no matter what. Even if it meant to reveal herself.
I was thinking of going over there myself, but for some reason I felt like I shouldn't. It was like something was begging me to not go over there, so I didn't even though I really wanted to. I felt like there was someone watching me from behind, but when I looked, there was no one in sight.
Weird. What was that?
I heard a sound come from the trees right next to me, and something made a thump and whatever was in there started to run.
Whatever that is, I'm going after it. It could be dangerous, or a threat to the Monster World.
I walked very quietly in order for the thing to not hear me, but with my snow plow like feet, it was hard. I quickly saw where it was staying and it had brownish hair with pale colored skin, it also had two long arms, with two legs as well. It was nothing like I had seen before and it kind of freaked me out. It must have heard me because it turned around to see me looking at it with my two big purple eyes. It ran fast but it couldn't run faster than me, I grabbed it and it started to flail around.
"What even are you?" I asked it, not expecting an answer. It looked at me, being more afraid of me then scared.
"What are you? You're like a huge robot THAT IS PICKING ME UP." It yelled at me with anger in its eyes.
How did it get- oh wait… this is a human… I think… but that still doesn't explain why or how it's here.
"I need to know why you are here, I don't care what you think about it." I told the strange human. It looked away from me, not wanting to tell me why or how it's here.
"Why would I tell you that?" It stared at me, but when I wasn't expecting it, he someone got out of my grip, and punched me right in the eye
"OW!" I yelled out and the human ran off, not to be seen for a while.
Oh I will get you, human. This isn't the last of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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