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Loving him was so easy. It came like those moments in movies where the female lead is watching the male lead do something at the beach, and a sudden breeze caresses her skin and she realizes she is in love with him.

Loving Beomgyu felt like one of those things you can't fight. Like, even if she wanted not to love him, she just wouldn't be able to. She loved him with every fiber of herself, so much so that even when she felt like not loving him, she was reminded of the thousands of amazing reasons she had fallen for him.

It hadn't been easy, either. But there she was, looking at the loves of her life. It was funny this way, to think of it as Beomgyu being the love of their life, because there was definitely one more person who was the love of her life.

To think she had made that tiny little human with Beomgyu, out of pure love, always made her want to implode in happiness. She was the mother of the cutest baby in the world, and Beomgyu was the best dad to ever step on the face of the earth.

Yeonjun and Soobin were the best second places, but Beomgyu was just the best.

He was enamored. The moment he set eyes on the tiny baby, that now resembled him more than ever –which made Junoh very jealous–, his life changed. Everything was about his daughter. Every breath he took was destined to eternally love the tiny piece of him that was now a tiny piece of the world.

She was looking at them play peekaboo. He would hide behind the oven glove and then peek out making the cutest noice, and she would giggle. That adorable baby giggle that made Juno's heart fill with warmth. Beomgyu would giggle too, and go back to hiding behind the oven glove, to do it all over again and have baby giggles filling their house.

Choi Jully was Beomgyu and Juno's happiness. They had always found happiness in each other, but now Jully was the source of their endless warmth. The moment that tiny baby was born, through hardships of almost losing Junoh in the process, everything changed. Beomgyu and Junoh were shining.

"Gyu, I kinda need the glove for the cookies", Junoh walked towards her husband and daughter. "Hi, baby", she cooed toward Jully.

"Hi, baby", Beomgyu replied, earning himself a giggle from Jully and a small smack from Junoh.

"Wasn't talking to you".

"Rude much", he rolled his eyes and Jully giggled again.

"She seems to like it", Junoh bit her lip while smiling towards her husband, who passed her the glove reluctantly. "Don't you, my sweet baby? Do you like when mommy mocks daddy?"

Jully just giggled and Junoh took that as a yes. She walked towards the kitchen with a victorious step, and looked back after taking the cookies out of the oven.

She found Beomgyu incredibly close to her and she smiled, kissing his lips. Jully was babbling about, so they were free for now to just kiss and be with each other.

"I called hyungs", he said. Junoh pouted and raised an eyebrow. "Jully has a date and sleepover at uncle Yeonjun and uncle Soobin's home", he smiled.

"Oh, does she, now?", she nodded.

"Yeah, they are coming to get her soon".

"Okay", she replied and smacked his hand before he could steal the cookies. "May I know the reason my brother is taking my baby?"

"Oh, because we're gonna make Jully a big sister", he mumbled casually.

A grin spread wide on her lips. She couldn't wait.

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