chapter one

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I. Hell is a teenage girl

                                               Hell is a teenage girl

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Hell is a teenage girl.

Take that expression however you want. For some, it means a corrupt minded girl, with unpleasant words and unsettling features, always hungry for more than what they have.

That corrupt minded girl sits with her feet on the dashboard of none other than Natalie Scatorccio's beat up brown Amp Eagle. The smell of smoke orchestrating through the car, as she watches Nat hold the cigarette between her chapped lips.

She inhales as she looks over at Beatrix, "You jus'gonna stare?" Nat questions as she exhales, smoke falls out of her mouth, with a smile on her face.

Beatrix widens her eyes, then rolls them. Don't flatter yourself. She speaks into her mind. "Are you done?"

Nat's face curls up into confusion, "since when are you desperate to get to class?" She puts out the cigarette in a cup inside the cup holder.

"M'not." Beatrix shrugs. The girl in the driver seat nods. "If im late again, dad'll kick my ass." Not metaphorically.

Nat's a smart girl, she's caught on to the few times Beatrix has asked to come home with her, to stay after school, to rot away from home, anything to keep her from going back, but she doesn't speak on it. "Speaking of. ."

"Can you stay over tonight?" Nat finishes her words with a nod.

"You're the best."

It wasn't up until last month that the two girls became friends, they've associated once or twice sure, on the field. It just took a shit talking session of how much they hated Jackie's fake enthusiastic act all the time, for something actually to start.

There's a two knocks on the window, Natalie rolls it down. "Bell rings in two minutes, shithead."

"Thanks, lot." Nat plasters a smile. Beatrix moves her face into view.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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