Chapter 2

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One hour after the disruption...

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Soni asked her friend group, "What if we get caught?"

"Soni, out of everyone here, you're the scaredy cat all of a sudden?" one of the friends retorted.

"No, it's just-" Soni began to say before she was caught off by another friend.

"Aww, look at Soni, the young scaredy cat chickening out now?" the other friend mocked.

"Ugh fine, be that way. Don't come crying when we all get caught and I vanish," Soni said with a sigh before standing up. She started walking toward the back door of the school building with the friend group following behind. She stopped at the door and faced the group, "who has the key?" she asked.

"I do," the oldest friend said as she handed the key to Soni.

"Thank you," Soni said while grabbing the key, "And we're certain that the cameras back here don't work right?"

"I heard the staff saying that they're trying to get somebody look at it about an hour ago," the younger friend said.

"I'll take that as a probably," Soni mumbled while unlocking the backdoor to the school. Upon opening the door, she motioned the other two to enter then she entered herself. The hallway was pitch black. 

"That's odd... the lights should be on," the oldest friend said.

"Does anyone see a light switch?" Soni said as she felt around on the walls.

"Nobody can see shit Soni, why would you ask that??" the youngest friend asked with irritation.

"Shut up, I thought I wasn't the only one that could see a little bit better in the dark," Soni growled. 

"Keep you're voices down!" the oldest one aggresively whispered. 

Soni sighed with aggrivation and pulled out her phone and used it as a flashlight. She shined it down the long hallway. "I don't think there's power," she said quietly.

"But that wouldn't make sense," the oldest one objected, "the school doesn't shut off the power when nobody's here."

"That makes our job a lot easier though," Soni responded with enthusiasm, "If nobody is here and the power is off, we can get what we need a lot easier." The friend group nodded and proceeded forward with Soni leading. "Now we just have to find our way to the main office."

"Found it," the youngest friend said as she stood in front of the main office door.

"Ah, that was quick," Soni said as she walked over. She quickly unlocked the door and entered the main office. She shined her light around the office, the office was a total mess. Paperwork was scattered everywhere, computers were knocked over, chairs where misplaced, it's as if a tornado had torn through the office. Soni stared in awe, "holy shit... what the fuck happened here?"

"God damn, I didn't know that the office staff were THIS crazy," the youngest friend mumbled.

"Something must have happened here... maybe the power went out because of something happening inside the school," Soni hypthosized.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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