Chapter 7: Stay with Me

Start from the beginning

"Hey Kate!!" ~Natasha

"Hello" ~Kate

"Hey mouse" ~Clint

"Hey." ~Kate

Clint calls me mouse because of how little I am. He says i am like a baby mouse. He tends to always tease me about it. When he says hi to me he runs over and messes with my hair. Apparently while I was in the shower Steve called them to help me feel more comfortable since I have known them since I was little. Clint is probably my best friend.

After talking for a while we all decided to sit down and watch some tv. Luckily Steve made enough pancakes for everyone. They put on the movie "Rush Hour 2" which I have to admit is the funniest movie I've seen. I couldn't help but laugh. When that movie was over we continued to watch movie after movie after movie until it was around 10pm. Natasha and Clint had to leave so we said our goodbyes to them. Then I started processing that I had to go home. The thought absolutely terrified me.

Clearly Steve realized my change in emotion because he put his hand on my shoulder and asked if I was okay.

"I'm fine... Just don't wanna go home.." ~Kate

"Then don't... You can stay here with me for however long you want." ~Steve

I thought about it. He was allowing me to stay with him. In his apartment. I didn't want to feel like a charity case but honestly this was the best news I've heard in a while.

"You really wouldn't mind?" ~Kate

"Of course not. You're welcome here." ~Steve

"Thank you so much!! You're the best." ~Kate

I jumped onto him and gave him the biggest hug ever.

I started getting tired however I didn't want to steal his bed again so after convincing him to sleep in his room I laid on the couch. As I laid their in complete darkness it was extremely peaceful. I slowly began to fall asleep.

Steve's POV
Of course Kate didn't want me to sleep in the living room therefore I am in my room laying down. I can't sleep because I keep thinking about what Kate wanted to talk about. However I didn't want her to feel like she had to tell me so I don't want to ask about it. It was around 12am when I fell asleep.

My peaceful slumber was interrupted by screams. I shot up instantly worried about Kate. I ran outta my room and into the living room to find her asleep screaming for help. She kept repeating "Steve help" and she was sweating she was so scared. I gently shook her body hoping to wake her up but she didn't budge. Therefore I decided to try to speak and shake her.

"Kate, it's alright wake up." ~Steve

After repeating this a few times she woke up. She instantly started to hit me as if I was the bad guy in her dream.

"Kate! Kate it's me! It's alright!" ~Steve

When she noticed that it was me she stopped. Her face looked like she had seen her worst nightmare. All sweaty and big eyed. I sat down next to her as she sat up.

"I'm sorry for attacking you" ~Kate

"Don't be it was just a nightmare everything is okay now. What was it about anyway?" ~Steve

"Oh...I just was stuck in the flashback of that guy on me... Except" ~Kate

She suddenly broke out in tears sobbing into her hands. I decided it was best to just try to comfort her and make her feel safer so I pulled her into my chest. She was so little and fragile.

"What about me?" ~Steve

" were... You weren't coming to save me.... You weren't there... Nobody was..." ~Kate

I held onto her tighter. She must've been terrified thinking that nobody would save her from that monster.

"Kate I am here and I will always be here to save you. I would never leave you behind or allow someone to hurt you." ~Steve

"Thanks...." ~Kate

I looked down at her as she laid back down. She pulled the covers over her body.

"Are you alright now? You want me to still talk?" ~Steve

"No I'm fine now..." ~Kate

"Okay Imma go back to sleep then" ~Steve

I went to get up but she grabbed my arm. I looked down at her eyes that still had fear in them. I wanted to take that fear away so badly. She was too innocent to have to deal with that much fear.

"Steve? Will you maybe... Like maybe..." ~Kate

She stopped since she was stuttering so much. It's like she was nervous to speak still. I just stood there waiting patiently. Then she spoke again.

"Will you stay with me? Like on the couch? It'll make me feel safer..." ~Kate

I smiled. She wanted me to stay with her. She felt safer around me. I felt honored to help ease her fear and pain.

"Of course." ~Steve

I gently plopped myself down next to her on the couch. She laid against me gently. Her body was so little it fit perfectly against mine. As soon as I knew it she was passed out. I moved a piece of her hair from her face so I could get a better look at her beauty.

"I won't let anyone or anything hurt you Kate. I love you." ~Steve

I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and laid down wrapping my arm around her. I didn't fall asleep to long after that. This was by far the best moment of my life.

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