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R u home


I need u

R u okay
What happened
I'll be there in two minutes


The two minutes it took to get home dragged on forever. When I finally got home i rushed to Colby's room.

"Colby its Sam, can i come in?" No answer. "Colby I'm coming in."

I wished i never opened the door.

Behind it was a perfectly messy room, clothes everywhere, books knocked over, a hole in the wall. Colby wasn't in there.

I ran into his bathroom and was met with the horrific sight of Colby slumped on the floor blood running from his arms.

"No no no no no, fuck." I shut the door and sat down next to him. I grabbed some towels and wrapped them around his arms. "Colby wake up." I shook him and his eyes slightly opened. I kept applying pressure to the towels trying to stop the bleeding.

"Colby talk to me." I saw his eyes flutter shut so i shook him again. He didn't wake up.

When i looked down i saw the crimson liquid seeping out of the white towels. "Shit. Kat! Kat! Hurry!" I heard running up the stairs then Kat threw open the door. "What the fuck!"

"Get more towels. Hurry!" She ran off, closing the door as she did.

"Colby i need you to wake up." I lightly hit his face causing him to open his eyes. "I'm calling an ambulance I need you to stay awake."

"Don't call." I looked at him and shook my head. "I have too. I don't want you to die." A tear rolled down his face. "They'll take me away." I cupped his cheek and wiped his tear. "If I don't call and something happens i will never be able to forgive myself."

I watched as they took Colby away in the ambulance. They said because of the situation they couldn't allow visitors, but they would let us know any updates.

I didn't get a text that night, or the next. But two days after i finally did.

Is this Sam Golbach?


We have some updates on Cole Brock. Over the past few days he has made a good recovery. Because of the situation of which he was injured he will have to spend two weeks in the Los Angeles Mental Health Recovery Center. Unfortunately they do not allow visitors.
We will update up you if anything happens.

Okay, thank you.

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