~|ᥴհꪖρ𝓽ꫀ𝘳 2|~

133 4 43

________________________________________________________________________________________Hello! You have made it to chapter 2! Thank y'all for the 22 reads on the last chapter!! I wasn't expecting that many so quick, but anyway your TW's are: Death, mention of dead bodies, I dont think theres any cursing in this chapter, crying, mention of blood, injuries. I believed thats all- if it isn't I'm sorry but you read last chapter so I think you'll be fine. Enjoy!________________________________________________________________________________________

"The rules are simple and easy to follow. And with that, y'all may begin Final Selection. We wish you all the strength and prosperity we can. Good Luck."

The small group of three all exchanged looks when giving the all clear, and set off running.

It was thankfully still day light when they entered the invested zone. So the three decided collect any supplies they could before it was night.

Sabito started looking for things to make some basic medicine.

Giyuu looked for look outs and hide aways in case someone was injured.

And Makomo looked for good areas to set up traps.


On the Last Night

Sabito and Giyuu ran through the forest to find Makomo, who spilt up from the group to lead some demons into a nearby trap.

But the slowed their pace when they noticed a group of soon-to-be-slayers running away from something.

"What's going on?" The raven watched them run, getting slightly nervous. "I don't know. Maybe it-" Sabito was soon cut off by a loud, horrible, ear bleeding laugh. The voice of whome it belonged to was had a higher pitched voice, but very obviously it belongs to a male. It sounded like a psychopath.

Giyuu took a step back, as from behind the tree's walked a mutated demon. It's skin so sickly green it looked like vomit, it had yellow eyes with an X drawn out in both, they looked cloudy. It had millions to billions of arms all over its body. Some had little faces of the souls that it has taken.

"What the fuck-" Giyuu took another step back as he watched a slayer fall over and crawl backwards as the demon walked slowly towards him.

"I'm going to slay it," Sabito dropped into a fighting stance, ready to charge at any second.

"What!? Are you insane!? You can't go out there! Y-You'll die!!" Giyuu grabbs his shoulder, not on board with his idea once so ever. Sabito looked at him, not seeming like he cared. "I have to, or that person will die." The pinkette looked ahead again, about to run in.

"T-Then.. Then I'll go with!" Giyuu quickly thought of an alternative, his friend looked at him worriedly. Thinking the idea over a little bit before giving his response. "Okay, I got your back. You got mine alright?." Sabito's tone was stern. Not wanting him to get hurt.

"Ok," Giyuu agreed. Dropping into a similar stance and charging ahead with Sabito right along with him.

The mutated demon saw the two run out and slice one of his arms before it reached its food, this angered the demon. But once he saw the fox masks on the side of their faces, he started Laughing in enjoyment.

"I was wondering if Urokodaki would send more students, you know. After I ate the last 11!!" The demon gave another laugh, sending an arm flying towards Giyuu. The raven jumped back into a near by tree and came down onto the arm,

"Water breathing, Second form. Water wheel," Giyuu jumped down from the tree, spinning in the air, carrying out a vertical sword slash down apon the arm, slicing it off and watching it turn to ash instantly.

Sabito stood not far from giyuu, Seeing a bunch of hands coming for him. "Water breathing, third form! Flowing dance!" Sabito ran forward. Twisting and turning, like the Pinkette was dancing, as he sliced in hands off in one go.

"You know, you little foxes are getting on my nerves! I mean, you're living much longer then a lot of Urokodakic's students! Its kinda getting annoying though" The demon shot another arm to Giyuu, who was caught off guard by the arm and smacked into a tree. Busting his head open in the process,

"YUU!" Sabito ran to his companion, slicing the arm off before it made another attack. The raven started coughing uncontrollably as the wind was knocked out of him.

A dozen more arms came for the duo,

"Water breathing, fourth form. Striking tide!" Sabito took a large breathe of air, and ran forward. Slicing all the arms off,

Giyuu could only watch as Sabito was defending him.

The pinkette decided to go for the killing blow, he ran forward and jumped up. Bringing his sword down around what he assumed to be the neck, but as soon as the sword made contact. . .

. . . . .

it shattered.

Not only had the young boy forgotten to use a breathing form, he underestimated how strong the opponent was. Leading him to his doom.

Giyuu stared in horror, screaming and yelling at his friend to move as a hand extended toward him.

Sabito couldn't hear his friend, like the world was no longer there. Almost like it wasn't actually him. The hand getting closer and closer to his face, until the fingers wrapped around and smashed his head. The blood spilling everywhere,

But then again,

Can your eyes always tell the truth?....

The sun on the horizon started rising, this caught the Mutated demons attention as he scurried away for shelter. Leaving the headless body and crying 15 year old.

Giyuu's ocean eyes swelled with tears as they fell in streams down his face. He got up and ran to the left overs of the his dead friend.

Kneeling down, he cried even harder. He sat there for a few second, these seconds turning to minutes.

The blackette noticed his Haori sitting not to far away, he got up and grabbed it. Clutching on to the blood stained fabric.

As the sun raised more, Giyuu grabbed his sword and started running toward the beginning.

Without Sabito.

Watching the tree's flying by as he ran, passing multiple, most of the time half aten, dead bodies.

He only stopped running when he passed a few wisteria tree's. He continued on his way at a slow jog. Reaching the clearing he was in only a week ago.

His blue eyes wondered from person to person. Noticing half people surprisingly made it. But Makomo was not one of them. So in return, the boy threw on an Emotionless mask. Still clutching the bloody Haori in his hand.

The twins from a week before where there again. Watching the left over slayers walk infront of them. When they were all there, they started speaking.

"Hello. It seems many of you made it to the end of final selection. Congratulations. You are now all demon slayers. Please pick an ore for your sword to be made out of, you will also get a Kasugai Crow when your sword is delivered. The crow will lead you to your first mission, and every mission after that."

The demon slayers one by one stepped forward, picking an ore and walking away. When it came to be Giyuu's turn, he looked around and chose one toward the back. The twins nodded and he began walking back to the direction of Mt. Sagiri.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Word count: 1,162. Sorry it took a little long to come out, but I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter, the next is on its way!________________________________________________________________________________________

R.I.P Sadito💀

~|𝑀𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝐴𝑡𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑠|~ [A Sabigiyuu Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now