Team 2 & 3 Match

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Team 2 & 3 Match

I let out a small breath as I look up from the lockers.

I went back inside the room. We still have 15 minutes before the game begins.

"Alright gather up everyone," Roger calls out, standing from a bench.

I stood up at the same bench as him as I continue, "Hours, Days, and Weeks of practices gets us here." I pause and look around the familiar faces that I have gotten closer since this past weeks. "I'm sure everyone in this room is ready to prove that such 'impossible' teamwork," I roll my eyes as everyone laughs. Everyone at Hogwarts says that mixture of houses can be difficult especially when it comes to cooperating in a event. They say everyone is too different to cooperate. And we'll prove that today.

I continue, "Is something that everyone should know, acknowledge, and experience that we are all may be different but we're all the same human beings too. Just because houses are too different from one another, it doesn't mean it will be difficult to cooperate for something. We had our ups and downs during the past weeks but we all experienced it together. And there is no shame in that. They usually say that Gryffindors are too reckless and stubborn to listen to Ravenclaw, and Ravenclaws are too smart-mouths and prideful to cooperate with Gryffindors. But the thing is if everything works out with everyone cooperating, listening and working hard, it doesn't really come with much challenges as we all will go through it together. As a team. But we all strive for victory, for thrill, for acknowledgments, and lastly for fun."

Roger continues, "So what do you say guys? Let's have fun in playing at this. Win or not let's just have fun. Now.... Are you guys ready?!"

I felt a smile pull to my face hearing the team chant, "We're Ready!"

I laugh as Fred pulls out a muggle speaker that I charmed to work around magic. It then plays a popular song from a Muggle Musical Series called 'High School Musical,"

We all began to sing a small part of the song, with a few changed lyrics.

"Team pride, let's show it!

We're Champions and We know it!

Gryffin-Claw Are the Best!

Red, Blue and Purple!

When it's time to win, we do it!

We're on it and we'll prove it!

So let's live it up, game on!

That's what this matches' all about!"

(A/N: HUGE HSM fan hereeeee! Wanna here more of the music, I'll just post the video here. Credits of course to Disney.)

Weasley and Krum (REWRITING)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu