“You’d think people in this school would be a little nicer, you know?” Charlie muttered, feeling particularly bitter about the previous interaction. “Could have just easily asked us to move politely.”

“Yeah, well, nobody can have a GPA like your’s,” Jonathan chuckled lightly, but Charlie had lost the conversation, looking through the cafeteria doors. She had caught the eyes of Nancy, the two of them kept up the stare and Charlie even paused for a few seconds, remembering that she had been at that party last night. Maybe she might know what happened to Barb. Suddenly, there was a hand in front of her face and she turned to see Jonathan staring at her. “You okay? You spaced out for a second there.”

“Oh, uh, yeah. I’m fine, just… was thinking,” Charlie swallowed, the two of them carrying on down the corridor. “You know yesterday? In the woods? I can’t stop thinking about all those noises… and Barb. What happened to her?”

“She left, I guess,” Jonathan shrugged, not convinced that it was anything else. He had always been a bit more down to earth than her. “And the noises? Most likely a deer. Hawkins’ woods are filled with them.”

“I don’t know… I can’t shake the feeling it might have been something more,” the girl shuddered, her hands gripping tightly around her guitar strap. “I don’t think a deer would have been running around us. They’re normally scared of humans.”

“Maybe it was just a very friendly deer,” the boy reasoned, before changing the conversation entirely, going back to speaking about Joyce, but Charlie couldn’t forget the memory so easily. Something wasn’t right and she needed to figure out what.

Finally, it was the end of the day and after an hour of math, Charlie was ready to go home before remembering that Robin had told her that Mr

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Finally, it was the end of the day and after an hour of math, Charlie was ready to go home before remembering that Robin had told her that Mr. Hutts needed to give her the music for the performance tonight. She put all her stuff in her bag and swung it over her shoulder with her guitar, walking out of the classroom and out towards the other side of the school. She pushed her way through the crowd that was trying to get onto the buses and as she came out the other side she found the one and only Nancy Wheeler holding a payphone to her mouth. She looked quite distressed as she talked into the phone and Charlie made her way up to her, curiously.

“Who you callin’, Nancy Drew?” Charlie asked, leaning against the machine as Nancy raised an eyebrow at her. She shushed her quickly and continued to listen to the person on the other end of the line.

“Um, I was just wondering, uh, is Barb there?” Nancy asked after some muttering and Charlie leaned forward, getting even more curious. Had Barb not turned up to school today? She seemed to have arrived at the exact right moment.

The other person on the line, who Charlie had to guess was Barb’s mother, replied, “Mmm… No, she hasn’t come home yet.

Charlie frowned and Nancy did the same, not even looking over at the girl next to her while she answered. “But she did come home, right? After the vigil?”

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