Somethings wrong with z?

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*They now live in the new apartment*

There was something up with Zendaya. Like something seriously wrong, but I couldn't exactly gather what it may be,
She would fall asleep a-lot which i noted as normal but after a while i realised that wasn't the case. Not only had she been sleeping a-lot, but food seemed to daunt her a-bit? Almost like she struggled to take bites? Its 7am and  she slept holding my torso and comfortably tucking her head into my body, she looked comfortable and content so I left her asleep for awhile, but honestly I'm debating taking her to a doctor. This just didn't seem normal for her.

After awhile she began to awake placing her hands on my shoulders to push herself up a little ( she really had no energy... I was worried.)

"Zendaya" I say softly..
"Y- yes?" She replies kinda choppy but I gathered what she wanted to say.
"I think you need to go to the doctors my love." I whisper as I snuggle her into the crook of my neck.

She looked at me and gave me a shocked look... a look as if i was stupid.
"But I'm okay.." she says
In a sort of baby voice, not quite but very small and soft.
"Baby. You gotta go you've been run down for ages" ... " Is there something I should know love?" I move closer... sort of so she knows I'm listening, I like her to know I'm here and I care...deeply.
"Okay. But... can we just.. chill f- for a bit."
Jittering her words fell out of her mouth.
There was no argument here. The fact she agreed was enough for me. I accepted that deal.
"Of course darling" I whisper and cuddle her more tightly.

a few hours passed, more cuddles,small sleeps. Everything I did was to focus on her and her body and how she was feeling. As long as she was safe, as-long as she felt good. Everything was okay.

Something wasn't right.. my body felt weak, my bones felt fragile and every step I took felt as though i was stepping through heaps of strong wind.
Tom knew. He knew something was happening to me - so did I but I didn't wanna cause a fuss.
They way he was talking and holding me was do gentle and fragile, he's always like that but.. it was more gentle this time, like I was a cracked glass like one strong touch and I'd snap. It was sweet,  it was beautiful but.. it was different.
My thoughts pull away as his speech breaks them apart.
"Zendaya let go now" he whispers as his fingers trail gently to the bottom of my chin.
I hesitate to answer for a moment.. but I know I need to go.
"Fine" I whisper my smile dropping to the point i can feel it.

I stand up, and the world spins around me, my eyes blur, but I manage to keep myself together. But Tom sees it happen in the corner of his eye.
"You can stay in your comfy clothes baby you can barely stand let alone change, we have no time" he says softly.
I just smile.
He gets one of his larger hoodies and places it over my head hugging me from behind and kissing my gently on the forehead.
"That a little warmer?" He says again softly.
"Mhm" I reply with a smile.
But I take another step and again i feel that same feeling of dizziness.
Tom notices again as I fall back wards and he catches me gently. My eyes quickly open as my body hits his.
"Zendaya?" He says in a more scared voice.
"I- Im okay." I say knowing damn well I'm not.
He picks me up under my knees my head tucked beneath his neck.
"Ive got you okay" he whispers trying to stay calm for me but I heard the panic in his voice.

- few minutes later.

We made it to the car now, he places me in the passenger seat gently.
"Ill be right back love" he says before shutting the door locking it and running inside.
( ever since all the paparazzi issues he was very serious about the car being locked especially if I was inside on my own, it really freaks him out)
He runs back outside with my
Favourite blanket and opens the door again.
"Your body's super cold can you keep this around you for me?" He says with that look of care on his face.
"Okay" I whisper slightly.
He kisses my forehead once again before shutting the door.

I get in the car and start to drive. I struggle slightly as my hands shake gently against the steering wheel. I was truly panicked, a couple minutes pass and I look beside me as we hit a red light. Her eyes shut and her arms snuggling the blanket.
I focus on the road a little more ensuring I get her to the doctors safely.


I make it to the doctors and Zendaya is still sleeping peacefully. I walk around to the passenger seat opening the door and releasing her seat belt and her eyes opened.
"We are here love" I whisper placing a small kiss on her cheek very gently.
She doesn't reply just grips my arm and stand up even more wobbly than she had been all day, but that could be that she hadn't eaten enough ( she was struggling with that which wasn't normal for her).

we walk into the doctor's office her hand still gripping my arm as if it was the last time she would ever hold it and I sat her down as soon as we arrive ( I had already booked and appointment so it was just a waiting game.)
She was sat on a sort of blue sofa and her head tilted back, she was awake... just very weak.
"Sit" she whispers barley bugging to the side and I sit beside her.
Her head tilts again but onto my shoulder and she grabs my arm again... we aren't usually too affectionate in public but she lifted her legs over mind and her body shuttered slightly again mine.. she clearly didn't care at this moment, holding hands was as far as we would go in public locations, due to paparazzi etc, out relationship was a-lot more open now though.. everyone knew and there was no way I wouldn't hold my fragile girlfriend against my body when she was in this state.
I continuously kiss her forehead and tell her shes okay as we wait for the doctor. I just want her to be okay. And i was holding every once of fear within my body.

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