Chapter 1: Willy Irawaddy

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-Hai, me name is Willy but me parents called me stupid so me don´t knows now , weeell...I was born on the day of me birthday 07/07/07,the place, Myanmar I think well me don´t remember exactly but me remember one-word Irawaddy, me think that´s me name like Willy Irawaddy, ok me parents were killed because of being dumb like me, me cried but my eyes hurt because of the salt, so me instead laughed and since then never stopped, when me feels something me laughs, even if it is sad hehe. I traveled after that sad moment until I didn't know where was me, me parents said to me that I had a strong back fin, that's why I feel faster sometimes, and also why me ended up here in some place, they call it Tubbataha Reef primo, remember I lost, well I finally found a place to relax. me thinks,  me will go to your place sometime Pancho, me hopes you are good, until the end, your Willy primo... - he sent the message by a fish repeater which would travel up to Isla Guadalupe where Pancho, Willy's cousin lives. After sending the message he swam up to Rey's Diner in the center of the reef where Willy loved to eat crab legs and mollusks, he talked with Rey (the owner)-You know where Isla Guadralupe is? / Willy asked in a curiosity tone, - I remember that place, but it is still far away from here, with that face you'll never make it up to California, the greats will try to eat you, you could try anyways- answered the blue barracuda in a smugly tone. Willy seemed discouraged when Rey told him that, he paid 3 Shellies and started his trip back home, it was about 8:00 pm, It was already dark when Willy saw a bird-like shadow passing above his head, he had curiosity so even it was pitch black, he tried to follow the strange silhouette through the saline water. Only to find a fish, not like any fish he could remember; - maybe a blowfish?-, he had no clue of what it was, he told himself- what if me take it house to eat?- the water was getting cold by the time Willy was already on his home with the rare fish. He was awfully tired to just throw his plastic-made jacket and the cold dead fish with his house keys, to lay in his rocks and sand bed.

Willy are you CRAZY?!!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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WILLY ARE YOU CRAZY?!!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz