letting them know

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we talked for a little then deiced to go to different stores in two groups. we also let grunk know so he can go food shopping. in one car it was me, yumi, and nick in the other car is Isaac,tanner, and Larry they went to a different store to get stuff for what they where gonna cook. Isaac wanted me and yumi to have time to spend doing something fun together so he paired us to cook together . we got all the food and went back home we put the cold stuff away and left the other stuff in the bags. we all went to our rooms and joined the discord call.

"so we are cooking again hopefully we do better" Isaac said 

"this time we have Y/N" grunk said really happy 

"We do" isaac said 

"dont get happy i am not a good cook" i said laughing 

he made some jokes and stuff 

"so Y/N and yumi you two go first then me and nick then larry and tanner" isaac explained who would go downstairs 

me and yumi met in the hall on the way down we held hands going down isaac was down there setting up the camera for the discord call. he left after he was done he made his way back to his room. 

"ok yumi and Y/N tell me what you will be making"

"chef today we are making ham n' cheeses biscuit bites" yumi said in a British accent

"ok boring" isaac said 

"it was Y/N's idea" yumi said i jusy side eyed him not saying anything 

he then asked grunk and he told isaac what he was making then it was time to start 

"we need to make the biscuits yumi" i said garbing the biscuit dough

he preheated the oven while i put the biscuits in the baking sheet. the oven beeped and we put them in the oven. as we waited i started to cut the cheeses and ham small enough to fit the biscuits. while yumi was being lazy and making jokes at the camera. as i was cutting them he came up and hugged me from behind my eyes widened and i looked at the camera. Isaac was talking to grunk ignoring us. then he said "you want me to cut this part out or what yumi" yumi said no leave it in. wow this guy must really love me he doesn't even care about fans knowing anymore. he continued to hug me until the timer went off of the oven he took the biscuits out and out them on top of the stove to cool. after they cooled he cut them in half and passed them to me as i put the ham and cheeses in them and putting them on the plates. i out two aside on different plates for us to try i put them on the island near the camera.

"isaac we are done" yumi said standing behind me resting his head on mine 

"ok we just have to wait for grunk then we try them and move on" isaac said 

the whole time we where waiting yumi was being very clingy and hugging me. grunk finished his appetizer 

"ok grunk u try first" isaac said 

grunk did try his food "its really good" he said 

"ok lovers your turn" isaac said 

we tried the biscuits and they where really good "they are so fucking good" yumi said with a mouth full then grabbing me by the waist and hugging me hard. i smiled so hard it felt so nice

              ❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉           

   *time skip cuz i dont feel like writing everything else* 

      we finished recording nick was cleaning up, me and yumi where cuddling on the couch just relaxing. 

"lets go upstairs i wanna talk"  yumi said 

i said ok and followed him up stairs we got to his room and he sat down. i stud in front of him and he grabbed my hands and looked up at me. 

"so i was thinking we should go live right now on my twitch and tell everyone before the video i kinda forgot about that part" he said very serous 

"im ok with that if u are" i said to him smiling 

he then got up and walked over to his desk and turned his computer on and started his stream his title he put was 'i need to tell u guys something'

"stay out frame then when i tell u to come in come it" he said 

i shook my head and he started 

"hey guys just a quick stream to tell y'all something i need to get out, i am in love with someone and i wanted you guys to know so i dont have to hide it" he then started reading chat

 "no no no, it is not a guy..... guys i am not gay" he said looking disappointed he then turned to me and then looked back at his computer

 "she is the most beautiful, caring, loving, and amazing girl i ever met" he paused then looked at me and smiled them looked back

 "we have only been dating for 2 weeks or so and i really do love her i dont know what it is but she just makes everything better" he then looked at me for the last time before reaching his hand at me. i grabbed it and he pulled me onto his lap 

"me and Y/N are dating" he said smiling looking up at me i smiled at the camera 

the chat was rolling and all positive comments we talked to chat for a while and then ended stream. me and him talked for a little longer then go into bed and cuddled 

"i love u Y/N" yumi said then kissed my forehead

"i love you too yumi" i said back 

we feel alseep cuddling 

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sorry this one is kinda bad lol i went to Philadelphia and didnt get back till like 1 am and i been up all night writing this i am just now finishing at 6 am. am so eepy 

thanks for getting to #1 in the yumi tag 

love you all byeeeeee <3   

1600 words

Yumi x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz