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One sunny afternoon, as the vibrant butterflies danced on the gentle breeze, Lorcan Scamander called out to his young daughter, Adele, who was gleefully chasing after the colorful creatures in the meadow.

With a warm smile on his face, he beckoned her to come closer.

"Come here, Adele," he said, his voice filled with affection and anticipation. "I have something special to show you."

Curiosity twinkled in Adele's eyes as she hurried toward her father, her tiny legs carrying her across the soft grass.

She watched with wonder as Lorcan presented her with an old, weathered case. It had been his father's, the renowned Newt Scamander, and now it was time to pass it down to the next generation.

Carefully, Lorcan opened the case, revealing the ladder within. Adele's gaze widened in awe as she caught a glimpse of the magical wonders inside.

The case was a portal to a world teeming with fantastical creatures, a world that had captured the hearts of both her father and her grandfather.

And hers.

Lorcan's voice was filled with pride as he spoke, "This, my dear, is your inheritance. It belonged to your grandfather, and now it is yours. Take care of it, Adele, for within these walls lies a world of life and beauty."

Adele's young heart swelled with a sense of responsibility and love. She vowed, in her innocent yet determined way, to cherish and protect the case with all her might.

From that day forward, it became her most treasured possession, a symbol of her family's legacy and her own connection to the extraordinary.

As the butterflies continued to flutter around them, father and daughter stood together, their bond strengthened by the passing down of this precious gift.

Forest green eyes blinked open.

Gently, Adele pulled aside the bed curtains to peek out. Nothing seemed out of place, not from where she observed. She sat up and hung her legs over the edge of the bed. Her feet pressed into the frozen floor, observing the stillness of the early morning.

The stillness of the early morning— the first few moments always so silent. Never lasting.

"Good morning"

Adele's head whipped toward the source of the sound, gaze falling on the redhead from yesterday. Lily Evans.

"Good morning." She greeted, sitting still for a moment as she stared back at the girl.

"Where did you go yesterday? One moment you were there, i went to the bathroom, then realized I forgot my hairbrush and then you weren't there. I didn't even hear the door open." The head girl started rambling, sitting up as well.

Adele glanced to the side, faintly remembering paying her creatures a little visit in the case.

The brunette bit her lower lip, a nervous habit that betrayed her unease, as she carefully articulated her thoughts.

"I was looking for twig." She lied, staring at the wall as if it was the most interesting thing in the world, and ignoring the slightly suspicious look Lily sent her.

She couldn't let her know about the case.

"Hmm, alright." The seventh head relented, before beaming. "Let's get ready for breakfast. I can show you around Hogwarts after."

This time Adele looked at her.

"Okay." She nodded, a smile of her own playing on her lips.

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