"Pay attention to rest." Duan Sicun said, "Your father called me yesterday."

Qiao Yuanlin straightened his back, like a vigilant animal: "Did you ask me about my weekly exam results? I stayed at my grandma's house recently, so I didn't report it to him."

"You misunderstood." Duan Sicun said, "Your father said that you are not in good health and will be out this week. Please let me take care of you."

Qiao Yuanlin relaxed and said, "I can take care of myself."

Duan Sicun was used to seeing all kinds of parent-child problems, so after a few minutes of silence, he asked, "Want to talk, do you have conflicts with your father?"

Qiao Yuanlin hesitated: "Yes... a bit."

"And it's related to your biology grades?" Duan Sicun laughed, "To annoy your father, on purpose?"

Qiao Yuanlin was worried about cheating, and he didn't like to chat with the teacher, so he wanted to find a reason to move away, scratched his chin and said, "Teacher, I want to go to the bathroom."

Duan Sicun didn't allow him to be fooled: "Hold on."

Qiao Yuanlin failed to urinate and kicked the air. He ignored Duan Sicun, lowered his head and fiddled with the sapphire dial on his wrist, wondering why the waiting time was so long?

Duan Sicun looked at his loose appearance and said, "It's fine if you don't want to talk about it. Although I have brought in some bad habits from public schools, I won't force students to talk about their privacy."

Qiao Yuanlin raised his head and explained: "You still hold grudges, I was joking when I complained that time. In fact, what I wanted to study was public school, but my father asked me to study Dexin, and the conflict was because he asked me to follow him in the future. plan to go."

Duan Sicun didn't care about Qiao Wenyuan's educational plans, at least at the moment. He asked, "Then what do you think, and what plans do you have for the future?"

Qiao Yuanlin couldn't help but look serious, he didn't expect that the first person who heard him talk about this matter was not his parents, but a teacher he knew not long ago. He replied: "I want to study journalism and become a journalist in the future."

Duan Sicun said: "Many people's goals will change with age, are you sure?"

"Yeah." Qiao Yuanlin didn't know how much Qiao Wenyuan revealed, and was slightly vague, "I'm not in good health, and I might die someday. I want to do what I like in my lifetime."

Duan Sicun pressed his shoulder: "Don't talk nonsense, there is still a long way to go at a young age."

Qiao Yuanlin shook his head: "I had an accident when I was thirteen years old, and I almost... Well, I'm a sick child, and my dad still wants me to cure the disease and save others, isn't that nonsense?"

"Your father wants you to be...a doctor?" Duan Sicun said.

Qiao Yuanlin had a big basket of complaints waiting, but he held back. He saw Duan Sicun's expression darken when he said "doctor", the same as last time in the laboratory.

"Teacher Duan, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I remembered a student whose dream was to be a doctor."

Qiao Yuanlin asked intuitively, "Is it the best student you mentioned?"

Duan Sicun tacitly said: "It's all in the past."

But Qiao Yuanlin was very curious, and said, "Tell me, how hard are the top students in No. 7 Middle School that you value?"

The Eye of the Heart [MTL] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now