The lounge the three are in becomes completely dark then the three are back in the normal lounge tinted in green.

Girls Voice: "Who's there?"

The three look at the girl who is in pink and has a pistol in a holster on her right thigh. The girl nervously hovers her hand over the pistol as she stares at the three of them. She grabs the gun before another voice calls out

Commanding Female Voice: "Takeba, wait!"

The girl called Takeba looks back at the commanding voice as the lights flicker back on and Phoenix's music begins playing from his headphones once again as well as music from Minato's headphones, ironically it's the same song just at different points. The boys turn off their music as the redhead that told Takeba to stop approaches them.

Redhead: "I didn't think you three would be so late. My name is Mitsuru Kirijo. I'm one of the students who live in this dorm."

Brunette: "...Who are they?"

Mitsuru: "They are transfer students, it was a last minute decision to assign them here. The boys will eventually be moved to a room in the boys' dorm. The girl will be in the girls' dorm."

Brunette: "...Is it okay for them to be here?"

Mirsuru: "I guess we'll see."

Hamuko: "Isn't it a little rude to talk about people standing right in front of you?"

Mitsuru: "I suppose it is, but introductions are in order. This is Yukari Takeba. She'll be a junior this spring, just like you two."

Mitsuru is looking at the twins when she says this.

Yukari: "Hey."

Minato/Hamuko: "Nice to meet you."

Yukari: "Uh...yeah. Nice to meet you too..." Kinda creepy how they were in complete sync...

Mitsuru: "For you, she'll be your upperclassmen just like the other two and myself."

Yukari: "Hello."

As his appearance would make it seem, a soft voice comes from Phoenix.

Phoenix: "It's good to meet you...would it be Yukari-senpai?"

Yukari: "It would be, weren't you taught this?"

Phoenix: "Well-"

Mitsuru: "He's had...difficult circumstances for his age."

Phoenix: "Thank you, Mitsuru-Senpai."

Hamuko: "Quite soft spoken aren't you?"

Phoenix nods as Hamuko smiles.

Hamuko: "I don't think the three of us have introduced ourselves, I'm Hamuko Arisato and this is my twin brother Minato Arisato."

Hamuko holds her hands up presenting her azure haired twin.

Mitsuru: (looks to Phoenix) "And you?"

Phoenix: "Phoenix Igantia..."

Mitsuru: "Now that that's out of the way I'm sure all of you are tired, the boys dorms are on the second floor. Unfortunately due to the nature of your transfer the two of you will have to share a dorm room."

Yukari: "I'll show you two the way there."

The boys nod and walk up the stairs to go to their dorm following Yukari.

Persona: A Boy of Monstersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें