Cotton Candy

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Summer of 2018...

As my alarm went off, I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a sense of comfort wash over me. It was six-thirty morning, and the sun was rising on the horizon. I could already feel the warmth of the golden sunbeams as they filtered through the sheer white curtains, casting a warm glow throughout my room. I squinted my eyes and looked around the room. I had forgotten to close the window before going to be last night, so the gentle breeze caused the curtains to sway, creating a mesmerizing dance as I listened to the chirping noises of the birds that had also woken up on this brand-new day. 

In a groggy yet optimistic voice, I whispered, "I have a good feeling that today will be a wonderful day."

I had set the alarm to wake me up extra early today so I could finish packing up for my move. 

I am starting college, and it is finally the move-in day.

I will be staying in the Seoul University dorms. It is a massive building with studio apartments. Apparently, it is two students per room, and the room has a small kitchenette, a bathroom, and two twin-sized beds, along with wardrobes and desks for studying.

I had a mixture of feelings going in my head at the moment. 

It was hard for me to choose just one. I felt sick to my stomach/nervous because what if I didn't like it? 

My mom spent all her life savings trying to get me into that college, and I would have to suck it up whether I liked it or not. 

I also felt sad and excited at the same time. 

I was looking forward to meeting new people and felt sad that I was leaving my mom alone. 

It was just her and me against the world since I was born, and now I am leaving her. 

I am doing this for her, though. 

I want her to have the life she deserved all these years. 

I want to become the best lawyer in the world and spoil her with everything she wants or needs.

"Good morning, baby! Are you awake?" My mother said as she lightly knocked on the door.

"Yes, Mama. I am awake," I exclaimed. 

Then, the smell hit my nostrils, traveling to my taste buds as it reached my lungs. My mother entered my room and hugged me- I was now engulfed by the sweet smell of my mother's cinnamon pancakes. 

"Ahh, MMM," I said as I breathed it deeply. I am going to miss this so much!

"You made me some pancakes for breakfast!?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Of course I did! It is your favorite, and since you are now leaving for college, I needed to spoil you for the last time in who knows how long." She said and sweetly smiled at me while her eyes showed the sadness in her heart.

She was sad because she had to see me, her only son, leave for college. She had to drive me there and leave me to fend for myself. Her black hair was tied up in a high ponytail. I stared at her and saw that she was already getting gray hair.

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