Chapter 1

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The call was never faint, it echoed through me, warning me of the people. I ran out of my maruis. Running to Aonung, his arm wrapped around me as five Ikran dropped to the white sand. My hands placed on Aonung's back in fear as he hides me behind him and walked closer to where we see the crowds piling up.

Omatikaya people walked off the Ikrans and anxiously walked over. It looked like a family. There were 2 boys looking to be close to Aonungs and my age, and 2 girls, one also looking my age but one much younger. And then there was two much older na'vi people.

My fears calmed as I seen swimming Tsireya. I walked over with no more fears and met up with Tsireya, as she ambled through the water.

"It's to small! How they supposed to swim" Rotxo laughed pointing to one of the boys tails, Tsireya slapped his hand away stopping him and Aonung from continuing to make fun of them. I hissed at them quietly causing them to look at the ground.

"Hey..." a voice muttered from behind me, I look to see it was one of the Omatikaya boys. He was eyeing Tsireya and I. Causing Aonung to walk in front of me putting his arm in my way.

I shot my head up to see a tsurak, aonung's fathers to be exact. It flew over us and smashed into the water. Tonowari walked over to the Omatikaya family and introduced "oel ngati kameie" he bowed down, and the Omatikaya did the same. After the intoduction, Ronal walked through the crowd.

One of the Omatikaya people bowed down introducing themselves and the rest followed.

"Why do you come to us Jakesully" Tonowari asked. The leaders name of this small pack was Jakesully? He had long dreads and small scratches across his face. He was strong, but he looked exhausted, they all did.

Before jakesully spoke he looked back at his family then faced Tonowari "we seek uturu" he answered. Ronal repeated him angrily as she looked up at Tonowari.

"A sanctuary for my family" he pleaded. Ronal walked away from Tonowari and towards the Omatikaya pack.

"We are reef people" Tonowari stated "you are forest people...your skills will mean nothing here" he added

"We will learn your I right" he said as he turned to his family

"Yes" the female Omatikaya agreed, as she said Ronal grabbed her tail. She was examining them closely. She walked over to the small Omatikaya kid and grabbed her arm announcing "there arms are thin" and walked over to the eldest girl grabbing her tail "their tails"

"Oww" the girl uttered "are weak" Ronal finished "you will be slow in the water" she stated.

Ronal looked down at the Omatikaya girls hands. Grabbing them roughly and lifting them up to the sun. Showing the people "these children are not even true Na'vi"

"Yes we are" the Omatikaya girl declared. She walked to the boy who was eyeing Tsireya and grabbed his hand lifting it up as before "they have demon blood" she adduced, the boy looked down disappointed in the way he was announced. Everyone gasped, was shocked by the hands on these Na'vi kids.

"Look! Look" Jakesully uttered showing Ronal his hand. "Look I was born of the sky people, and now I am Na'vi... alright you can adapt" he mentioned. "We will adapt" he announced as he looked back at his family.

"My husband was Toruk Makto" the women Omatikaya announced, walking up from behind Jakesully. A sour look grew on his face. "He led the clans to victory against the sky people" she hissed to Ronal

"This you call victory" Ronal questioned as she glared her eyes through the pack, "hiding among strangers" she walked closer to the Omatikaya family "it seems eywa has turned her back on you..." Ronal hissed as she ashamed the Omatikaya people. It hurt me seeing this is how our people will treat other Na'vi's in need. "Chosen one" she called Jakesully, causing the older Omatikaya girl to hiss at Ronal, which didn't fear her as she hissed back.

Ronal walked past Tonowari, as he walked over to Jakesully and grabbed him "Toruk Makto is a Great War leader" he announced to his people. "All Na'vi people know his story" he rambled on, "but we Metkayina...are not at war" he stated. He turned towards Jakesully "we cannot let you bring your war here"

"I'm done with war" Jakesully pleaded "okay?... I just want to keep my family safe" he uttered as he hugged the little one closely "uturu has been asked" the women Omatikaya declared.

"They can stay in my maruis!" I uttered behind Aonungs back. He moved as I met the eyes with Jakesully his eyes filled with hope. Tonowari and Ronal quickly discuss over the issue, then soon let them stay. Aonung gives me a glare before he storms away.

Tonowari slowly makes his way to me "Ty-Lee? Are you sure about this. Having strangers into your home" he asked, I knew this was the right thing.

"It's ok, I trust them" I looked behind Tonowari meeting one of the Omatikaya boys eyes. "I'll stay with Aonung for the time being" I declared.

"Fair well" Tonowari uttered quietly to me. Before he turned and continued his way to calm the people and have them continue there day to day duties.

"I am Ty-Lee" I introduce to the Omatikaya people. "I'm Jake, this is my wife Neytiri. These are my two boys Neteyam and Lo'ak, and here's my two girls Kiri and Tuk" Jakesully introduced as they grabbed there belongings from there ikrans. They follow me to my maruis.

Neytiri was beautiful, she was strong and mighty for her family, she was taller then I was, and her eyes were beautifully golden as were all of there eyes. And Neteyam, his smile caught my eye when I first announced myself, I could tell he would be a good hunter, a strong one. Lo'ak was more thinner than his brother, more nervous looking but never was. And Kiri was gorgeous, she was rapped in a green shawl, and was brave and said what she thought and wasn't scared of it. And Tuk was adorable, a little mighty warrior I thought.

"I know it's small but it's all yours" I state as I show them the inside. "No it's perfect" Jakesully announces, the kids look around anxiously, "don't worry about me I'll stay with the chief" I remark.

"You know the chief" Lo'ak asked curiously. "Ya i am really close with his family" I stated.

"Ty-Lee where's you parents?" Neytiri ponders as she looks around the rest of my maruis. My heart drops, I didn't want to share but I knew I had to. (It's been 14 years) I think to myself. "My father and mother died at war" I answer, "they went to help with sky people after hearing about it" I say I didn't continue scared of what I might do. "I'm sorry" Neytiri whispers "it is all good" I comment.

I ambled my way to the chiefs maruis hearing the arguing from where I was. I slow down to listen, and I hear Aonung arguing with his father about our new visitors. I walk to the entrance making the argument stop, maybe just paused for now. But Tonowari glares at Aonung before he storms out of the room. Aonung glares at me before I rush to him "what is the matter" I wonder, "you wanna know what is the matter, you want those freaks at your maruis" he shouts. My cheeks heat, I don't like fighting and Aonung knows that but some how he's arguing with me right now. "I just want everyone to be in peace" I utter quietly. He drops his shoulders and walks over embracing me with his arms, I hug him back up set and confused. "I'm sorry" he stated.

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