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Our story begins in the city of Bozeman Montana, late at night. thunder rumbled and shook the town, the moon blocked out by storm clouds. The sky and land were left shadowed only lit be streetlamps, and even then, all things were barely visible. The winds were raging and the rain falling sideways as it is pelting the windows and walls of the buildings. An apartment building is one of the only buildings with a light on. this light belonged to a single room with the blinds of the window open. within this room, sat a young man currently yelling at his monitor.

This young man is Richard, he is currently playing one of his favorite games, "GOD DAMNIT!" .........and clearly no doing well.  he continued to yell as he was once again killed quickly by a certain swordswoman boss fight. the man then began to speak once again. "Yes, yes, that's your name, we get it! Shut up and die already!" he cried, and he respawned and went to try again. He had made it to the second phase of the boss, her wings of rot and sword dance used in all its torturous glory, and he focused hard on getting her health down, though his build not the most ideal. The build was his favorite, a great sword wielding, dragon incantation knight with the cavalry knight amor set. the great sword being used was the Blasphemous blade due to its flame-based attack and for the health upon a kill. He used two gravel stone seals to increase his draconic attacks, the main three being ancient dragons lightning, Lansseax's lightning glaive, and Fortisaxx's lightning spear, and the frozen lightning spear. and lastly, the final part of his build, was the Bolt Gransax.

Using his maxed-out bolt, the goddess of rot was knocked down and left open for attack. not wanting to waste this opportunity, Richard ran forward and brought the great sword down upon the boss, her health reaching its last leg. now its unknown if fate decided to, or it was blind, unlucky, randomness that a bolt of lighting from the storm outside struck the branch of a tree, causing it to fall upon a powerline, thus cutting the power of the apartment. Just as Richard input the command to swing the great sword, his screen and lights went dark. 

Sitting in stunned silence, Richard tried to register just what exactly happened. once his brain had fully registered the situation, blind rage set in. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?!" he yelled out as he kicked his pc. When he realized what he had just done, he tried to get his anger in check. "Damnit, I was so close. I hope I didn't just break this thing." he said to himself, and he crouched down to examine the damage of his kick. while he was doing this, another lightning bolt struck the powerline directly, sending a massive surge of power throughout the building and into his pc. his monitor flickering back on, showing briefly, the menu of Elden Ring. As the surge reached critical, electricity began arcing over the pc in front of a stunned Richard. 

On his monitor, the game began to glitch and started, but not as his character, the opening cutscene began, almost incomprehensible and full of static. The screen became clear suddenly as the voice of an old man was heard. "And one other. Whom grace would bless. A tarnished of no renown. Cross the fog, into the lands between. To stand before the Elden Ring and become the Elden Lord." at this moment, the screen began to glow brighter than the sun, the pc began to shake violently. "What the fu......!?" was all Richard got out before his pc exploded in his face and all he saw was blinding light.

The next thing he knew, Richard had woken up in the cold hard ground, surrounded by nothing but fog. Disoriented and confused, Richard, with no small amount of struggle lifted himself to his feet. He felt compelled to move forward, and in his state of utter confusion, he followed the urge,  as he moved forward, a beam of light began to show, growing ever larger and brighter as what looked to be a massive door slowly opened, blinding him once more as he continued to walk. The light had grown so bright that he had no sense of where he was.

Overtime, the light began to fade. within a few moments, he was able to make out where he was. A rather familiar room, old and decrepit with broken furniture and overgrown moss all around. the only thing that seemed interesting was the body laying against the wall with what looked to be a ball of purple light upon it.  Trying to regain his bearings, Richard shook his head to try and clear his mind. He began to look himself over for injury since his pc did kind of explode in his face. but what he found was not injury, but rather he was in a set of unfamiliar clothing. he had just now noticed the weight on him. He was wearing a set of armor, The helm on his head heavy, so too were the sword on his hip and shield on his arm. What felt to be a large polearm rested upon his back.

"What the fuck is going on?" he asked aloud to the empty room. with nothing else to do, he began to move forward. The light upon the body gaining his undivided attention. crouching down, he noticed the body was also in strange clothing, long robes and headdress that looked to be from the 12th century. putting this detail aside, he reached out toward the light, only to find it solid. as he held it in his hand, the light began to shrink. It shrank down into a severed finger. Processing what he was holding, Richard rightfully freaked out and threw it away in disgust. "What the hell!" he said to himself.

Taking a moment to calm himself, Richard went over to where he threw the finger and picked it off the ground. Inspecting it closely, a memory popped into his head. "Wait a minute......This can't be what I think it its."  He thought to himself, and he pocketed the finger and briskly moved towards the door. putting his hands on either side of the double door, he pushed the decaying door open. What greeted him was a sight that brought no relief, but rather, a feeling of sinking dread. 

In the distance he saw what looked to be a giant golden tree, its branches going for miles into the sky and stretching outwards across the landscape. A large castle like wall blocking the view below the tree. A realization set in; Richard put his hands on his head in panic as he began to hyperventilate. The mere idea of this was impossible, this shouldn't be happening. "I'm in Elden Ring?!" He yelled out into the now recognized world. His voice echoing out into perilous and deadly word that is the Lands Between.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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