Chapter 8

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Miguel hid me under the cloth that covered a table in the lab room, and walked me to a room. He didn't say where or what is was, but he sounded pretty happy about it.

Once we got to the room, he placed me on a big, soft cusion. He took the cloth off of me and the room was revealed to be a bedroom. It was big and spacious. "Wow." I said in amazement as I looked around. I then laid my eyes on Miguel who stared at me with soft eyes. BUt there was something I had noticed on his face. He had scratch marks, cuts, and he was bleeding. "Oh, Miguel."

He looked confused. "What?" He asked as he walked closer to me.

I cupped his face in my bare hands and caressed his face. He had a small cut on his nose, on his cheeks, and when I looked at his hands, they were even worse. They were covered in blood of his own. His knuckles were bloody, his fingers had cuts, his palms had deep cuts. He was a mess. "My love, what made you so angry to do this to yourself?" I asked as I gently kissed his knuckles.

He sighed. "I don't...I don't want to talk about it." He said as he looked away.

He is so stubborn. I got up, wobbly, but limped my way to a bathroom that was in the bedroom. I held Miguel's hand as I made our way to the bathroom. I placed him down on the edge of the tub. I searched for an aid kit under the sink as he crossed his arms and pouted like a big child. "Miguel, tell me what happened." I said as I found the aid kit in the back of the sink and limped my way to him. I sat on a stool and sat in front of him.

He sighed and looked at me. "Why are you so persistant about this?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

I wet down a rag in the tub and gently started to clean his cuts. He winced a little bit and closed his eyes. "Tell me." I said again.

He sighed and his expression softened. "I was...I saw you leaving with your "friends" and when I saw Hobie wrap his arm around you...I got...I don't know." He opened his eyes to look at me, as if trying to read me. He looked like he was searching for a disappointment in my eyes or ashamed of him. It was neither. I was...intrigued.

"You were jealous?" I asked as I continued to clean up his wounds. "Say it. Say you were jealous." I said with a sly smirk on my face.

He knew I was enjoying this. He smiled softly and chuckled. "I jealous." He said in defeat.

I giggled and held his hands. It pained me to see him wounded like this because of some silly emotion he felt. "You are in bad shape." I said as I gently cleaned his wounds on his hands.

He sighed. "I know, and I hate how you have to see me like this. I never...wanted you to see this side of me, princesa." He said as he leaned closer. He looked as pained as I was.

"You know I'm yours right? I am your husband/wife. I am yours forever and ever." I said as I gazed into his beautiful red eyes. "You have no need to be jealous of me, because I will always and forever be yours, my love."

He smiled softly and held my hands in his and kissed my knuckles. "How could I not get jealous when I am married to such a god/goddess such as yourself, princesa. You are my queen, and I will never forget that, but you are too gorgeous, too perfect, too kind, too beautiful to be kept all to myself. I am lucky to be yours and I am evern luckier to have you as mine." He looked up at me as he kissed my knuckles again. "Eres mi reina, mi amor."

I blushed and giggled. "Let me finish cleaning you up, then you can talk sweet to me." I said as I removed my hands from his and contrinued to clean him up.

Miguel O'Hara x Y/N O'HaraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora