His hands shook as he tapped his information into the slots in his phone. He was in the process of reserving those two seats on the right side of the stage. It wasn't front row, nor would he be up super close, but from where these seats were, there was still a shot of Felix getting himself noticed by his favorite idol.

His friend had transferred his share of the money to his bank account before leaving, so it was just time to place the online order. Felix bit his bottom lip as a smirk dared to tug at his lips.

"Aaaaand done." His heart thumped loudly in his chest as he stared at the message on his screen: 'Thank you for your purchase. Seats 8 and 9 in Section 11 Row K have been reserved for this date...' He couldn't believe this was happening. In less than a month, Chan would be coming to perform here in the city. It was mindblowing.

Felix was also secretly glad he had listened to his friend about waiting to buy tickets until closer to the set date of the concerts. He was able to snag those two seats for only a little over $500. Compared to paying thousands for the front row, this was the much better option. He would still be relatively close to the stage, though not as close as he'd like, but it was still an experience he was going to enjoy.


Just then, a notification came from Felix's phone. He swiped his thumb down on the screen to read the notification. His eyes widened as a huge grin broke out along his features. It didn't even take the freckled boy less than a second to click on the notification.

'Now LIVE!: Chan's Room🐺 ep. 2XX'

As his phone loaded up the site that Chan was doing his live on, Felix practically rushed over to his bed to plop down on his stomach. He held the phone in both hands as he propped himself up comfortably so he could eagerly wait for Chan to pop his head into the view of the camera. Right now, only the chair and the couch behind it were shown; Chan was nowhere in sight. One of the latest songs played in the background. As the song progressed, more people clicked in to watch his Live, the view count steadily raising until it was over 100k viewers. The song that was playing was one Felix was familiar with, so he was humming along to it in his deep voice as he watched the endless stream of comments start popping up.

Once the song was close to coming to an end, Felix's eyes immediately flickered to the bottom corner of the screen where Chan had slowly tilted his head into view in a playful manner. There was a smile on Chan's lips which made Felix smile in return. He clicked on the comment bar and typed in a simple 'Hello Chan!'. His message was almost immediately mixed in with the other comments that flooded in once the viewers noticed Chan's playful appearance.

Chuckling came from the idol as he sat in his chair, greeting the viewers with a broad smile after finishing his little entrance and once the song came to an end. That smile could melt anyone's heart. As it certainly melted Felix's.

"Hello~" Chan greeted in Korean as he looked down at his phone, reading the comments with a soft smile. There was a moment of silence before Chan started to respond to some messages, glancing up from his phone to speak. Felix watched the idol on screen with a small, fond smile of his own. His brown eyes flickered over to read the comments, a mix of different languages flooding in.

Some of the comments Felix read were cheesy, such as: "Chan is so handsome~", or, "Marry Me Channie!". Felix knew it was a one-in-a-thousand chance of getting messages read aloud by the idol, but it never hurts to try. Plus, it never deterred the young man to send his own messages from time to time. Like right now.

'Are you excited to be performing in Australia?' Felix sent the message when Chan was staring down at his phone. He had just finished speaking in Korean for a while, so he was looking back down at his phone to read more comments. Felix had no hopes of his comment being noticed since there were so many being sent, but it was still fun to pretend that the idol was reading them secretly.

"'Are you excited to be performing in Australia?'" Chan's voice spoke in English this time, his head lifting from looking down at his phone. He smiled widely up at the camera. Felix felt his heart jump into his throat. No way--. There was no way Chan just saw and read his comment--.

"I'm super excited to be performing in Australia!" A chuckle could be heard from the idol as he leaned back in his chair to stare up at the camera with an earnest expression. "It's been years since I've visited my home and it feels like a dream that I get to perform for the STAY there." Chan's Australian accent was thick as he spoke, seeming to grow excited to talk about performing in his hometown.

Meanwhile, Felix was still flabbergasted that Chan had read his comment. His nerves were scattered as he stared down at the screen in his hands. Then, he broke out into a silly grin. It was such a small matter to the outside eye, but for Felix, who has been Chan's fan for so long, it was like he was on cloud nine.

Time flew by.

The Live continued for over an hour with Chan playing music and chatting before the idol said his goodbyes and ended the stream. Felix had continued to send messages in the chat throughout the stream, mainly ones that had emojis or song recommendations, but nothing was noticed like his other comment.

Once the Live officially ended, Felix flopped over to lay on his back and stared up at the ceiling. He held his phone weakly in his hand as he thought back to Chan reading his message towards the beginning of the Live. It shocked him that he was noticed, though only through a comment, but it still made the young man feel giddy with excitement. From just that, it made him more eager and impatient to attend the concert.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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