Chapter thirty-eight

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"A video shield," the bandaged boy mused, looking almost impressed with the invention that the other demigods had either found or managed to create.

"One of Daedalus's ideas," the blonde demigod explained, a sense of pride seeping into tone. "I had Beckendorf make it before-" the girl glanced at the head consular of the Aphrodite cabin, looking as if the words that she was going to speak had died in throat as she did. I glanced over at the daughter of the love goddess as well, thinking that I might feel some kind of sympathy for the poor girl, but all I could do was wonder why she would let herself fall into such idiocy. Everyone knows that it's foolish to fall in love during a war. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to subject themselves to that.

The daughter of Athena cleared her throat awkwardly before continuing. "Anyways, the shield bends natural light to create a reflection. So long as either sunlight or moonlight is touching it, it can show you a target anywhere under the sun or moon."

As if to prove her point, the blonde girl waved her hand over the shield, different images appearing with each swipe of her hand. It wasn't long before one of the sons of Hermes, Conner apparently, had the girl back up to one of the previous images and zoom in on a mortal run candy shop. Only to be chastised by one of the Demeter children.

The daughter of Athena thanked the driver, Argus, for the shield before he and the two harpies that drove in the other van peeled away from the curd and headed back to camp.

One of the demigods, a boy that looked like he drank too much kool aid before coming here, crouched down next to a sleeping policeman that was curled up on the ground as all of the other mortals were. "I don't get it," the boy decided while standing back up. "Why were only the mortals affected and not any of us?"

The daughter of Aphrodite shook her head lightly and crossed her arms as if the other boy was being intentionally obtuse to the situation. "This is a huge spell," she explained, waving an arm out lightly as if to indicate the entirety of the island. "The bigger the spell, the easier it is for stronger beings to resist. In order to put millions of mortals to sleep, a very thin layer of magic must have been used. It would have had to have been much stronger to affect demigods too, but then the radius of the spell would have had to have been smaller."

All of the demigods around me stared at the girl in something like mute shock as she spoke. All except for Dazai who just looked on with the bored gaze of someone that already knew something that the others around us had yet to realize. It was a very familiar gaze.

"When did you learn so much about magic?" Travis asked, looking mildly impressed as he did.

The daughter of Aphrodite blushed lightly as if in embarrassment, a very high school move that no one had the time for. "I don't spend all of my time on fashion, you know."

I thought that it was strange that the daughter of Aphrodite would know about magic the way that she did as well, but Dazai wasn't currently making any moves to kill the girl so I figured that I could let it rest for now.

"Percy," the daughter of Athena called from where she was still crouched down in front of the shield, "you're going to want to see this."

The blonde girl didn't include me in her statement, but I leaned over the shelf with him anyway. Whatever information the suicidal manic was getting, I would get it too so that he couldn't go run off on another suicide mission alone agian.

In the bronze image, we could see a whole fleet of at least a dozen speed boats rushing in fast towards Manhattan. Each boat was filled with beings too human looking to be any type of monster that I've learned about over the past few days at camp which made me guess that they were demigods. Thay and 5e strangled noises of horror coming from almost everyone around me but the bandage waste.

Bandages and Salt (PJO X BSD AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat