Round 2

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After the interview, a dark studio appeared on the screen, in which bluish rays of light randomly moved across the ceiling. The game of the lighting engineer came to an end, and the room was completely illuminated: eight contestants stood in a semicircle, and in the center was a strictly dressed presenter who said in a firm voice:

Round two. You have three hundred thousand dollars in the bank. There are eight players left, the round will be shorter by ten seconds. We will start with the strongest link of the last round - this is Alice. Let's play The Weakest Link!

The presenter turned the lectern so as to be directly opposite the previously named participant. Accompanying music thundered in the studio, which marked the beginning of a new round.

- Start the clock! Alice, name the capital of the Republic of Burundi!

- Uh-uh... - Alice said and began to remember intensely. And she remembered that Smeshariki said about it

- Bujumbura? - Alice said.

- Correct. Miku, what color will you get if you mix all the colors of the rainbow?

- White.

- Correct. Olga...

- Bank!

- How many stars does the north star include: one or three?

- One?

- No, three. Viola, what, according to a stable expression, is haunted by a bad head?

- Legs.

- Correct. Semyon, mythology: what object was given by the daughter of the Cretan king Ariadne to Theseus, who eventually helped him get out of the labyrinth of the Minotaur?

- Maybe a ball of thread.

- Correct. Slavya, what is the name of the supernatural ability that allows its owner to move objects with one thought?

- Telekinesis.

- Correct. Elena, what territory was bought by the USA from Russia, which later became the largest state?

- Alaska, I think.

- Correct. Eugenia, on which island is the fracture of two lithospheric plates, which expands by seven centimeters every year?

- Iceland, I think.

- Correct. Alice, in what year did Russia beat Saudi Arabia with a score 5-0 in the World Cup?

- Uh, I think 2018.

- Correct. Miku...

- Bank!

- Which famous commander uttered the phrase "The die is cast"?

- Um, it seems to be Caesar.

- Correct. Olga...

- Bank!

- Where is the Mariana Trench?

- The Atlantic Ocean?

- Time is up! The correct answer is The Pacific Ocean.

You have earned one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in this round! Whose intellectual scribbles spoil the picture of the game? Who will not rise from the ashes? Whose self-confidence served the team like an iceberg for the Titanic? One of you has to leave with nothing! It's time to identify The Weakest Link!

The hall was deafened by the music again, the floodlights dimmed again, and already eight people took up signs with markers. The announcer reported all the details of the statistics to the viewers, including not only the number of correct and incorrect answers, but also who put money in the bank and who missed a large sum.

- The voting is over! It's time to determine who in your opinion is The Weakest Link!

As a result, absolutely everyone voted for Olga.

- Slavya, why did you vote for Olga?

- She made two mistakes, while everyone else never made a mistake.

- But she put the money in the bank.

- So did others, but they were not mistaken.

- Briefly and clearly, - the presenter turned the lectern to Semyon.

- Semyon, what can you add?

- I have nothing to add, everything has already been said for me.

- Olga, the team decided to expel you. With seven votes, You are The Weakest Link! Goodbye! On the way out!

And the music of the "walk of shame" began to sound again.

- Just two mistakes and already kick out. This is terrible! But if we take into attention that they were not wrong at all, then everything seems to be clear...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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