𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨

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~Author's Note...

As all good (and bad) tales do, we start, with a... creation. Though my knowledge may be biased, I give you what I know of the start of this world.

Now, without further ado, I give you, my retelling.

The great Stag of Light told me himself, after all.




The state of this world before the start of time is hard for the mortal mind to wrap around. The thought of non-existence, no darkness, no light, no cold, no warmth.

Just nothing.

A nothing that bore into your soul, so overwhelming and complete yet not there at all. 

It was more than enough to drive one mad.

I, myself, still do not quite understand.

But alas the mind has its limits.

All there was, was Cinnidh, better known as the mother of the world, tipper of scales and director of destiny, Fate.

Said to be clothed in the lushness of prosperity, hair as dark as sin and eyes filled with life and justified cruelty, she was tired of remaining alone in the shapeless world. With an arc of her hands, like sparks, light flew from her fingertips, casting millions of colors against the nothingness that had once filled the realm.

With this light, came Aeor, now known as the king of the divinities, and god of light, justice and life.

However, there was no stopping what came with the light. For with light, there is always shadow.

Lifting their head from the darkness cast by the glow, Exor rose. Known as the god of darkness, punishment and ruler of the passed ones, they became the second half of their brother. Bound by life and chains, neither could exist without the other.

Like a judge and his executioner. 

Now, Fate and her creations merely existed in this strange world that still remained formless. With her breath, Fate exhaled warmth. And with warmth came Peril, named god of heat and fire. As the temperature rose, places were cast in a chill that formed Wynter, goddess of cold and ice.

With her arms, Fate cast her hands out, creating an expanse filled with wild colors, blues and purples that sunk so deep into the darkness, blooming to form the cosmos of space. With a deafening crack echoing throughout the infinite space, Galixu was birthed from a nebula of hues beyond our wildest imaginations. She became ruler of the heavens and the galaxy, the stars at her command.

Yet, there was still a lack of solidity, something to tie together the world Fate had made merely by brushing her fingertips along the heavens like a painter.

Raising a hand, a swirl of blue spiraled at Fate's command, compressing down as misty sprays of liquid exploded from the slowly forming orb that hung in the vastness of space.

From within something glowed, pulsing with an unnatural brightness, churning beneath the waves of water that had formed around it, casting heat and boiling the liquid surrounding it. But soon, it had disappeared underneath the dark rapids as the globe of water seemed to spin with the seafoam cascading from the surface. 

And from the waves, emerged the ruler of the oceans. He goes by many names, Cyrus, Cu'an, Kuan, have all been found in different manuscripts of the great god's tales, though most know him as Kuan, the great god of the seas.

Lowering herself to the surface of the ocean, Fate began to call large mountains to pierce the water, the water trickling down the new surfaces that arose, forming rivers and lakes within the crevices.

And with the mountains came Terrath, whose domain would be the land and all within it. 

But the land was barren, and dry, nothing but rocks and caverns far below the surface.

So with a second breath of life, Ayana, the sister of Terrath, was brought from the land, covering the mountains and rolling hills peering through from the seas in green and shrubbery, flowers blooming underneath forest canopies and large fields sprouting from the earth.

However, despite the glow cast by Aeor, the land still resided in a thick darkness, one that choked and swallowed the land in shadows. With the help of both her first and Peril, Fate brought yet another being of life into the expanse of the universe. A raging ball of heat and warmth the planet now circled, it's guardian was named Runaan, god of the sun.

Fate's need for balance next came into play with the creation of the moon, now spinning round the earth, pulling the tides of Kuan and the sea, Ithile guided the new entity in orbit, keeping the stability within the cosmos.

Now the harsh rays of Runaan's sun beat against the sea and Terrath's domain, scorching the extents of Ayana's growth. With a third breath of life, Fate brought up a shield of protection and a barrier to circle the planet, the new being named Zeru bringing safety as the goddess of the sky.

And from the earth peeled away beasts of all kinds to roam the mountains and valleys carved by Terrath and Fate herself. And named king of the beasts was Amias, shapeshifter, and god of animals and trickery.

These twelve are known as the gods of creation, the first ones and the guardians of life. All starts with them and all ends with them...

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