Chapter 2 : A Night of Surprises

Start from the beginning

With a mixture of anticipation and anxiety, Georgia left the school, her mind buzzing with thoughts about the pending encounter. Little did she know just how surprised she would be when she got to meet Lucas Baker later that evening.

In school

Ginny walked through the crowded halls of her new school, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. Today was the first day of her Advanced Placement (AP) English class, and she wasn't quite sure what to expect. As she entered the classroom, she immediately noticed that the teacher, a white male, seemed cold and condescending.

The teacher eyed Ginny up and down before saying, "I hope you're not biting off more than you can chew in this class." His tone was dripping with racism, and it took all of Ginny's self-control not to snap back at him right then and there.

She took her seat at an empty desk and pulled out her copy of the syllabus. Looking it over, she couldn't help but notice that of the fifteen books they'd be reading throughout the semester, fourteen were written by men – almost all of whom were white.

Unable to stay silent any longer, Ginny stood up and confronted the teacher. "Excuse me," she began, her voice clear and strong, "but I noticed that our reading list is heavily skewed towards white male authors. It would be beneficial for us to explore more diverse perspectives."

The teacher's face turned red with anger but before he could retort with some pithy comeback, a young man in the corner – who Ginny had failed to notice earlier – chimed in supportively. He was listening intently to their exchange and happened to be none other than her mother's now crush.

The young man's name was Lucas, a senior who was just 18-years-old but exceptionally skilled in English. Despite his age difference, he felt more comfortable taking classes with those who shared his passion for literature rather than just his age group.

Lucas's younger sister was also in the class. The sophomore girl looked thoughtful as she listened to Ginny's words. When she saw her brother chime in, she decided to seize the opportunity as well. Raising her hand, she told the teacher that she too was interested in exploring more inclusive literature and added as a side note that she had period cramps and needed to go to the nurse.

Just when Ginny thought no one would back her up, Lucas started clapping for his sister. Other students soon joined him, showing their support for both Ginny and Lucas's sister. Even through her embarrassment over the cramps' comment, Ginny felt a sense of unity with her new classmates.

The racist teacher begrudgingly said they could have a conversation about adding more diverse literature to the syllabus. As class ended and the students filed out of the room, Ginny couldn't help but feel a small victory despite knowing that there would be many more battles to face in her future.

After class

Ginny was in the high school hallway, carefully placing her books and belongings into her locker. She hummed a tune to herself, trying to block out the chaotic noise of students around her. As she shut the locker door, she noticed a new face approaching – her new neighbor.

"Hey, Ginny!" he greeted with a wide smile. "I'm Marcus, your new next-door neighbor."

Ginny reluctantly replied, "Hi, Marcus."

The conversation took an unexpected turn as Marcus awkwardly began, "You know, your mom tried to get weed from me last night. She wasn't too friendly about it."

Ginny rolled her eyes and let out a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah, my mom can be kind of a bitch sometimes."

As their conversation continued, Ginny couldn't help but notice Marcus's t-shirt that read "Wednesday" on it. She raised an eyebrow and said, "Um, it's not Wednesday; it's Monday."

Marcus scoffed and questioned her in reply, "Oh, so you don't know the band Wednesday?"

Ginny shrugged and tried to play along. "Yeah, I know the band Wednesday."

Marcus smirked as he revealed his little game. "I just made them up! There is no band called 'Wednesday.'"

Ginny could feel annoyance bubbling up inside her but played it cool as she simply responded with a dismissive "Whatever."

As Marcus turned to leave, he waved goodbye saying, "See ya around, neighbor!" He performed an exaggerated salute before disappearing into the bustling crowd.

Just as Ginny was about to move on with her day, another new face appeared–Maxine–Marcus's twin sister. With a sympathetic smile on her face Maxine said to Ginny, "Sorry about my brother Marcus."

Ginny gave a forced smile back and replied, "It's okay. He just seems like a bit of an asshole."

Together, Ginny and Maxine shared a knowing glance that silently acknowledged the odd encounter, before parting ways and heading to lunch.

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