Chapter 2 : A Night of Surprises

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Georgia lay in her bed, tossing and turning once again, unable to find the peaceful embrace of sleep. The clock on her nightstand seemed to mock her, its glowing red numerals announcing the passing of yet another sleepless hour. Frustrated and in need of a release, she reached for her trusty vibrator, but when she pressed the power button – nothing happened. Dead battery.

Sighing heavily, Georgia got out of bed and walked over to the charger. Plugging it in, she glanced at the instructions on the back of the device: 'Charge for 10 minutes before use'. Resigned, she set herself down on a nearby armchair to wait.

In those seemingly endless ten minutes, Georgia's mind started to wander. She stared out the window at the darkness that enveloped her quiet suburban street. And then she saw something: a figure attempting to move stealthily towards one of her neighbor's houses. It was their youngest son, trying to sneak back inside after a late-night escapade.

A sudden urge for adventure seized Georgia as an idea came to fruition. Racing outside clad in nothing but her nightgown, she caught him just as he was about to slip inside his house.

"Wait! I need some weed," she whispered urgently.

The startled teenager looked at her incredulously – he probably didn't expect his night to take this turn either – before shaking his head. "I don't have any," he mumbled. "You'll have to talk with my older brother."

His older brother... The thought made her heart race for reasons unrelated to her current pursuit. She had always found him attractive and had intended to strike up a conversation if the opportunity arose. Now felt like as good a time as any; after all, sooner is better than later.

Stammering slightly due to both nervousness and excitement, Georgia nodded her agreement, and with that, a new adventure was about to begin. Little did she know what the night still had in store for her.

The next day

Georgia's morning had been a hectic whirlwind as she got her youngest son, Austin, ready for his first day at elementary school. The sun was shining, and the streets were bustling with families making their way to school.

As they approached the entrance, Georgia knelt down and gave Austin a big, elaborate handshake they had practiced together. It made him laugh, and she knew it helped dispel some of his nervous energy.

Having successfully dropped Austin off in his classroom, Georgia turned to leave when she found herself face-to-face with a group of other moms. She had expected them to be friends or acquaintances of Austin's classmates, but the women seemed shocked to see her.

"Excuse me," one woman said hesitantly. "Weren't you one of the new teachers?"

Georgia shook her head and clarified that she is Austin's mom. The moms seemed mildly embarrassed but quickly changed the subject.

"Since you're here," another mom asked. "What's your view on organic produce?"

Feeling put on the spot, Georgia thought for a moment, then decided to make up an enthusiastic response. "I'm all for organic produce!" she exclaimed. In truth, she didn't have strong feelings on the matter.

The women nodded approvingly and continued to make small talk before one of them mentioned the upcoming parent meeting that night.

"Will you be attending?" they inquired.

Georgia hesitated before asking if Lucas Baker – the mayor's other half – would be there. She had always been curious about him and felt a mix of nervousness and excitement at the idea of meeting him in person.

The group confirmed that Mr. Baker would indeed be there that night so Georgia agreed to attend. What they didn't mention – and what she did not know – was that Lucas Baker was only 18 years old and still in high school himself.

You are my everything! Georgia MillerWhere stories live. Discover now