Forgotten Cale AU

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This story takes place in the 'TOTCF or Trash of the count family verse'

'...' this means thinking

"..." this is speaking aloud


Cale was enjoying the wind pushing up against his face as he sat under a tree reading a book in silence. He was quite skeptical hearing the silence that surronds him knowing he wasn't gonna get his slacker life all that easily but just brushes it off and enjoys his time alone.

Cale's POV- 

' Why is everyone so quiet today ' Cale sighs a breath as his stomache turns. He feels quite lonely now as he is used to having company around him.

'I am gonna go get some food, maybe they are all gathered at the table since it is lunch time' He gets up and brushes a bit of dirt off himself.

Making his way to the dining room he can see that people already started eating 

'They didn't even invite me over' Cale looks in and see's everyone is happy almost as if war never even happened. He felt almost guilty for ruining people's happiness in the war. 'If only I have done it alone, they wouldn't have to suffer, I'm not hungry anymore but I will just join them in the mean time' Cale walks in and a few pairs of eyes turn toward him

Alberu speaks up - "Do you need anything Cale?"

Cale just looks at him "No one told me it was lunch time, I would have made my way over here with you guys"

Eruhaben chimms in saying "You said you wanted to have your slacker life in peace so we decided to leave you alone, also there are no more left overs" 

"It's fine I wasn't hungry anyways" Cale walks out of the room a bit saddened that they were all having fun and he wasn't anywhere part of it.

It has been days that they been ignoring him. Days turned into weeks and he was feeling wuite exhausted so he was sitting in his rocking chair facing toward the garden.

'This wasn't the kind of slacker life I wanted, . . .' Cale looks down and was peeling at his nails in boredom 'Not even my kids, come out to see me anymore, nor' do they even cuddle with me, . . . maybe I deserve it cause I did turn there life out into the battle fields when there just kids'

Cale stays silent his thoughts are so loud and he can't focus, causing him to have a head ache. 'I just realized the Ancient Powers haven't been active in a while, usually they are screaming'

A few weeks later

Cale decided to walk for a while and maybe go check on Alberu while he is at it. Making his way to the palace he is then blocked by guards but was accepted in once they saw who it was.

Knock Knock 

He knocks on Alberu's room door "Come in" Alberu yells

Cale walks in and see's Alberu his eyes light up "Hyung, it's good to see you today. I have been lonely with out your presence"

Alberu looks up and glares at Cale and sighs "What do you want Cale?"

Cale stiffens and looks at Alberu 'Vicious Bastard' is the firrst thing that came to mind. "I just wanted to hang out with my Hyung"

"Hangout? can't you see I'm busy with your mess Cale, you have been lazy lately and have achieved nothing just see your way out of my office" Alberu says sternly and points toward the door

Cale just turns around and leaves the office 'Nothing? I literally helped him in so may wars and twist people's fate. yet he has the audacity to say that I have done nothing. . ' 

Cale walks back to the mansion clearly not in a good mood and just walks right through as nobody has glanced his way or made any small talk with him carrying their conversations further

'I brought everyone together as a family yet nobody even appreciates it' He sits on his chair watching the sun go down 'maybe it's best to just sit here till I rot, nobody will realize if I am gone, nobody will care. . .'

Cale falls asleep on the rocking chair as he sleeps in silence

???? POV- 

-Somebody enters his room in silence tucking him into his bed

'Huff it gave me quite a challenge coming into this house while not makign a sound'

The mysterious person tucks Cale in and sits by his bed deep in though

'maybe I should take him with me for a while my little Naru wouldn't mind hm. . . no let's just leavve him here. 

Sleep well Naru'

Fredo sighs leaving the room and turns to see Eruhaben facing him.. "You got a problem?"

Eruhaben looks at Fredo with a dark glare "Why were you in Cale's room?"

"I was putting him in his bed to sleep, I haven't talk to him in a while and I was curious to hear what he was doing. . ."

Eruhaben just sighs and mumbles "Just don't hurt him, I won't tell anybody you were here"

Fredo smiles bitterly and walks off


Author's Note - 
Sorry if you don't like the book I was trying to make a long book and not so short. . .

Anyways Cale you are loved by almost the whole fandom you aren't alone 

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

What AU shall I do next? please DM me it so I can make sure to get all of them!

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