BANG BANG BANG BANG! There it was again, the awful knocking sound. "For fũck sakes!" Jason groaned quickly sliding off the bed, he threw the mysterious woman a shirt, "cover up while I answer the door" he instructed before walking out of the bedroom and through the main living area naked. On the way to the door he found his black silk boxers and quickly pulled them on.

Jason did not recognise any of the three men standing on the other side of his door. He looked at them curiously wondering if they were rudely knocking on the wrong door. Two were dressed in suits and the third was dressed casual in cargo pants and a white singlet. "Err, can I help you?" His tone was rude and he did not care, who were these guys waking them up this way?

Salvatore Abandonato, Luca Genovese and Chris Jenkins pushed their way into the apartment before Jason could even think of protesting. Jason noticed the last man, Chris, closing and locking the front door once he was in. "I think you have the wrong apartment. You should all leave now!"

"Jason Parker?" Salvatore queried taking a puff of his cigarette quite casually then staring directly into his eyes. "Yes..." Jason replied confusingly, how do they know me? He thought unsure if he should be worried or not. Surely this was all just a misunderstanding?

"What's going on out there?" A female voice called out from the bedroom. Instantly Salvatore shot Luca a single stern look which opted Luca to make his way towards the bedroom.

"Who are you?" The woman asked shocked when Luca stood in the doorway, "you need to leave now" he replied with authority in his voice. "Excuse me?" She replied, "I asked you who you were, I'm not going anywhere"

"You'll regret that decision" Luca proceeded to take out his wallet flashing her a few hundred dollar bills, his eyes were down on the money as he counted the notes and spoke out at the same time. "Put on some pants then leave. We were never here" he threw the money on the floor and watched her pick the notes up eagerly before doing as he said. She put on a pair of pants which she assumed were Jason's, gathered her things and Luca politely escorted her out of the apartment while Jason began to yell out in the background.

"Who the fũck do you guys think you are coming into my home and scaring away my girls?"

"Hmm" Salvatore hummed before grabbing a chair from Jason's table setting, "sit" he instructed. "Like hell I wi-" quite abruptly he was cut off as Luca came up behind him pushing his shoulders down encouraging him to sit. Salvatore took another puff of tobacco into him slowly exhaling the smoke throughout the room. He grabbed another chair dragging it along the floorboards and placing it in front of Jason before sitting himself down. He did not speak a word. He leisurely finished his cigarette dropping the butt to the floor then squashing it with his shoe. What surprised Jason was when Salvatore bent over to pick up the butt and he placed it in his suit jacket pocket.

"DNA" Salvatore cleared up, "one can never be too careful".

This made Jason nervous, why would he be so concerned about his DNA? "Look man, I really don't know what this is about, I haven't done anything!"

"How do you know?" Salvatore asked quite casually raising his eyebrows curiously. "What do you mean man?"

"Well how do you know if you don't know what this is about. Maybe you did do something?"

"I'd remember if I did!"

"Hmm" Salvatore smiled, "would you?"

"Yes man I'd fũcking remember. What the fũck is this!?"

"I wonder if you remember a certain someone you went to business school with?" Jason's eyes widened, this made no sense to him. Were they looking for someone he used to go to college with? Was all of this necessary just for some information?

Silence in New York - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now