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I walk inside and immediately see Seowon lying against his locker

"Woongki you're finally here!" Seowon said. "Mhm" i mumble, still mentally shocked because of what happened earlier. "Cha Woongki! Bae! Are you okay? Because this is NOT you"

"I'm okay just distracted by something that happened earlier" well the second part was true the first is false.

"Which is?" Seowon asked

I had to come up with a good excuse since I was still kinda confused. Oh god I'm just gonna apologize later. "Uhm, I have class Seowon bae! I'll tell you later with the others" and then I ran off like a loset. I feel bad for Seowon, he DID NOT deserve to be ditched by me like that.

I arrived to the outside of my classroom and right in front of me was my classroom door. As I opened the door, all eyes in the classroom turned their attention from the (i assume boring) lesson to me. Well wasn't that wonderful?

"Cha Woongki, late?" I heard the teacher say as I walked inside

"Yes ma'am" I reply as I grab my tardy slip from ma'am's hand.

The teacher then started teaching again as I went to my table where two people were already seated, namely Park Hanbin and Lee Jeonghyeon. I opened my seat, sat down, brought out my notebook and placed my bag behind me.

"Woongki, how the hell did you end up being more than 30 minutes late to class" i heard Hanbin ask me

"Hanbin, why exactly do you want to know that? Are you some weird guy who wants to know my schedule or something?" I asked back

"First of all, because it's concerning. Second of all, no! I'm just asking geez. Third of all, just tell me" why does he wanna know so bad.....?

"If I tell you, I'm gonna tell ma'am you and Jeonghyeon are planning to cheat on the upcoming test" I said proudly.

"Why am I being dragged into this" Jeonghyeon mumbled yet loud enough for me and Hanbin to hear

"Uhm? No?" Hanbin replied to me

"Then I won't tell you why"

"Woongki, Hanbin, if you're just going to talk in my class, I suggest you leave" The teacher said strictly and clearly annoyed.

"Sorry ma'am" me and Hanbin said in unision

I then finally started paying attention to the lesson

2 hours and 30 minutes later

I packed up my things and put on my bag. As I walked out the classroom, I saw Dongpyo and Taerae, since their classroom was right next to mine.

"Taerae! Dongpyo!"

"Woongki!" Only Dongpyo responded though. "Hey! Taerae! Woongki is here"

"Girl is Taerae okay?"

"I don't know either. He's been thinking and daydreaming about this Junhyeon guy from the year before us ever since he came into our classroom"

"Taerae inlove??? OMG!!" I happily said

"Well we better get going. Seowon is waiting for us at the cafeteria" dongpyo said, while tugging Taerae's arm

As we entered the cafeteria, we saw Seowon texting on his phone

I still felt guilty so I sat next to him and decided to say sorry. Meanwhile Dongpyo and Taerae decided to leave first and buy food for the four of us.

"Hey....Woniee?" I asked with guilt

"Huh? Ah, Hi Woongki!!!" Seowon looked up and stopped smiling but started smiling again eventually

"Look I'm really REALLY sorry for ignoring you and stuff earlier. I was just really confused and shocked."

"Woongkiiii, it's fine! Just please, if you're confused about something, you can ask me or the others!" Seowon gave me a reassuring smile

"Thank you Seowonnn. I'm lucky to have a best friend like you" I say giving Seowon a smile back


We then both look as Dongpyo and Taerae came back and sat down

"Soooo, anyone? Spill the tea you have!" Dongpyo said excited after having a sip of his juice.

"I have!" Taerae said

"Go!" Seowon replied

"So while me and Dongpyo were in class. Some cute sophomore guy walked in our class to give our teacher's book because they left it in the guy's class. BUT, he was SOOO cute."

"Taerae, I'm telling you, look for the guy! He must be wandering somewhere around the campus!" Dongpyo replied slightly pissed

"No I'm too shy" Taerae simply said

"Then you wont get your cute sophomore!" I then said

"Ughhh, you guys are no help" Taerae said looking down

Dongpyo's face suddenly lit up "okay guys, who's next!"

"Me!!" I happily said

"Spill the tea now!!"

"Okay so like I was late right? I was gonna pay the driver but I realized I was short on money then some hot guy behind me paid for me instead. And then we talked like the whooooole ride and he gave me his insta and now me and him our friends!!" I said but giggling by the last bit

"Woongki, do you like him?" Taerae asked

"Not sure." I replied

"Then why are you giggling over that guy"

"Uhm, we don't talk about that!"

"Wait guys I got a notification" Seowon suddenly said "I got added to a group chat!! Look!!"

We all gathered to Seowon looking at his phone

Seowon 3rd pov

< seniors
   12 are active now

charismazhanghao added seowonieee, belllrain, im_lee_onlee, j_mingyu, ru.iiiiiii_, mii.iin_, kopsskops, krystianwang, wumutit, wang.zihaooo

hello everyone!

Seowon looked at his phone and then at the 3, with one of them, specifically Woongki, having his jaw dropped from shock

Woongki pov


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