My first classroom Crush in 8th grade

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It was a sunny day
On November 4,2022
To be exact the first time we met
At first I'm not attracted to him

But as time goes by
I grew fond of him
Yes he is a boy
A boy with a captivating smile

Just by the way
His smile make my heart flutter easily
I realized he's actually charming
He's tall and handsome

He's good on Arts
Clearly opposite of me
He's a humble boy
With a playful side

I thought
being close to him is impossible
Knowing I'm not pretty
Unlike other girls in our class

Month have already passed
Since I had a crush on him
Knowing I don't have a chance
My feeling towards him slowly fade

Btw I don't have feelings (crush) for
him anymore,I do believe that there may be some people who experience this.But the only thing I want to tell is that trying to forget or erase your feelings for someone isn't really as easy as it sound,And is clearly not the same for everyone other may find it easy but for some it's not.And for my case it isn't that hard because it's not that deep as love it's just attraction or maybe  I'm just infatuated to him.

And for those who tried but couldn't,My advice would be give it a time and if your feelings doesn't even change a bit then maybe it's not a crush or attraction it maybe something deeper than that,You can confess your feelings and if he /she rejected then maybe it's time to let go of  your feelings slowly.And for those who succeed with their feelings congrats.

It  has been a long ass paragraph,💜
I hope you like my poem,sorry for my   grammar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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