Chapter 2 - The Party

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Bakugou's POV

It was after school and everyone in the class 1-a dorm was having a party. I went too, but only because shitty-hair wanted me to. In 1 and a half hours everyone was either high or drunk - I was drunk - then Dunce Face walked up to me and just mumbled something, and I got annoyed at him and knocked him out cold. Then something sparked in me and I walked - more like stumbled - over to Shitt-Hair - who was alone - and pinned him to the wall. As i looked in his eyes, i saw confusion and drunkenness, then he asked,

"What are you doing Bakugo?"

"Thinking if i should kiss you..."

He then had blush on his face, then I leaned in and kissed him passionately, not expecting him to kiss back but he did, it turned into a long and passionate kiss. When we had to separate our lips to breathe, he had an lustful look in his eyes and kissed me again, more passionately then before, it got really heated and i separated our lips to say,

"That we will save for the bedroom,"

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