Chapter 6

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"LETTTTSSSS PARTYYYYYY"Cleo screamed as she downed her 7th shot of tequila infused Hennessy shot

"Maybe we shouldn't of let her partied" Joan sipped some liquor as she spoke to Harriet

"Yeah probably not the best idea" Harriet tried to keep a close watch on Cleo

Frida had been away for a couple of days now no contact since the service in the hotels were down so then not being able to talk drove Cleo completely insane , Hardcore partying and Drinking till she's blacked out, Joan and Harriet became super worried. They started this and they have to get Cleo out of it

Joan walked over to Cleo as she was sipping shots "Cleo.. hey let's just yk.. stop-" Cleo spun around and had the widest smile on her face

"CMON JOAN, DONT BE SUCH A PARTY POOPER" Cleo shouted than began taking off her clothes

"CLEO NO.. keep ur clothes" Cleo's shirt was on Joan's head "on" she sighed and watches Cleo jump into the pool

"Hey uhm.. is Cleo doing alright" Abe walked over to Harriet

"She really misses Frida" Harriet shook her head

"Well it has been a whole week so-" Abe was cut off by Harriet "WAIT? It's been a week already oh em gee?!!" The time had gone by so quick

"Yeah me and Confucious went and picked her up an hour ago" he giggled

"WIST OMGHAJDB" Harriet was lost for words not even realizing her bestie was home

"Yeah and she's here" Abe Awkardly laughed

Frida stood in the doorway of the back door staring at bare naked Cleo in the pool  holding on to some random guy. Her heart sunk into her stomach , hundreds, thousands, millions of thoughts went into her mind. Standing there in shock not knowing what to say. Her hands became to shake as she dug her nails into the wall, scratching some of the paint off

In the calmest tone "hey.. bish" Frida nodded her head upward to Cleo then looked away

"FRIDAAA" Drunk Cleo got out of the pool and ran over to Frida her boobs bouncing in the wind, when she got over she hugged her tightly

Frida still a little stunned couldn't comprehend "Cleo.. you're naked in front of everybody.." Frida said nervously

"Yeah so what?" Cleo looked around

"So you're okay with everybody seeing ur body." Frida started to become more upset than she already was

"I mean babe it's a pool party" Cleo giggled not realizing how upset Frida is getting

"Yea but ur privates.. are out." Frida looked away in shame

"darling ... are you okay" Cleo looked at her not fully aware

" I Mean I just seen my girlfriend hugged up with a guy in the pool, while she's also fucking naked, I mean YEAH BISH IM PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE CLEOPATRA " Frida pushed past Cleo and stormed out the party overwhelmed with emotion

Cleo still in shock not realizing what she had done wrong

"Party's over guys. " Cleo said with a blank expression as she walked into her home

"If only ghandi could see this" Abe muttered under his breath

"Who?" Harriet asked

"It's ... not important we needa check on Frida" Abe grabbed Harriet's hand and they went after Frida

"I'll stay and talk to Cleo" Joan said just as they left

Cleo is a selfish egotistical Diva who has dated many that never cared about her in a way Frida has, she doesn't realize she hurt Frida, But she's still too drunk to comprehend, will this go to shame and their relationship end find out on the next episode of clone High

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