3. Memories

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ethan walked me back to the apartment with the rest of the group a few feet ahead. "hey y/n"
he said. "yes ethan?" i replied

"i-i uh just wanted to tell you that your costume looks great." he said shyly. "thanks ethan, yours does too!" i replied "thank you" he smiled i look up at him and i see the biggest grin on this boys face

he is so cute idk how he does it, i think that i might be catching feelings for him but i can't tell him cause he probably doesn't feel the same way.

we get back to the apartment and i walk into tara's room to apologize. ethan had went back to his apartment with chad. i open the door and just see tara sitting on her bed staring at her feet.

"tara i'm really sorry about how i talked to you, i shouldn't have yelled at you, i shouldn't have blamed you for the things that happened with mom, it's not your fault, i hope you can forgive me" i pleaded

"oh y/n it's okay i shouldn't have yelled at you and sam either, i already fixed things with her, i want yo fix things with you too." she replied
i looked at her and smiled and we hugged. she was my sister after all, no matter what.

it was the next day after school and we were all sitting outside the same tree that we always sit at. we are all just scrolling on our phones when sam gets a text message from Detective bailey. (quinns dad) the message basically said to check the news .what we saw frightened us.

2 students from our college. attacked and killed by someone in a ghost face mask. sam and tara immediately started to panic. me on the other hand just stood there not able to move.

mindy then started rambling about the whole thing "we are in a franchise... there are certain rules to a franchise..." i stopped listening. "any of us could go at anytime especially sam, tara, and y/n" gosh will she stop

"which brings us to our current suspects, ethan, the shy dorky guy that no one suspects because he is so shy and dorky."

"what the heck mindy!" i screamed. she just shrugged

"okay wait why am i on the suspect list, cause i'm randomly chads roommate?"

"roommate lottery's can be juked, you could have fixed it to get next to us"

ethan just rolled his eyes in a sassy tone. mindy kept accusing everyone until she got to me.

"y/n, i mean maybe the drugs in her mom's system managed to fuck her up. or maybe it was the fact that she watched everyone get brutally murdered by her best friend, maybe that brought out the psycho in her."

"what the hell mindy!" screamed sam and tara. i put my head down not being able to think about what she had just said. i grabbed my bag and ran into our apartment.

then the memories started flooding my brain. watching my best friend kill everyone that i love, wes, dewey, liv. all of my close friends murdered and sliced up by me and tara's best friend amber and her crazy loser bf richie.

i couldn't move. i couldn't believe that Mindy had just said those things.

Love Hurts /-ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now