Great Expectations, Shattered Hopes

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Ryoji had worse days before, more than he could count, each one etching a mark on his soul.

But this day in particular? His worst nightmare. His hopes for this year? Shattered. His expectations? Instantly lowered. His mood? Fucking ruined.

As soon as he set foot into his dorm room, a heaviness settled upon him like a suffocating blanket. This was no ordinary day, in fact, far from it; it was the culmination of all his worst fears and everything he hated most wrapped up in a neat package.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Things weren't meant to happen this way. His meticulously crafted hopes, his vision of solitude and peace away from the chaos of the world, his ideal college experience that would shield him from potential pain, a sanctuary where he could relax without the distractions of social interactions: all done away with in mere seconds.

Because before him, a young man sat on one of the beds, eyes wide with anticipation and joy—an intruder in Ryoji's carefully crafted fortress of solitude.

Just the sight of this young man, brimming with excitement, sent waves of unease crashing through Ryoji's gut. His stomach churned, a sickening feeling of dread creeping into every corner of his being.

He began to introduce himself with a voice that oozed with uninvited familiarity.

"Oh, hey! I'm Kaiyo, your new roommate!"


That word reverberated in Ryoji's mind, each syllable a dagger puncturing his hopes for an undisturbed college experience. The mere thought of sharing his personal space, what was supposed to be his safe space, with another person ignited a fire of resentment within him.

"It's nice to finally meet you!" The boy extended his hand out to Ryo in a cordial gesture, yet Ryoji stood silent as he inspected the man before him. His gaze locked with Kaiyo's, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still. The anticipation radiating from Kaiyo's eyes, like a beacon of optimism, clashed violently against Ryoji's pessimism and desire for isolation. The silence hung heavy between them, pregnant with the weight of destroyed expectations and unspoken words.

They say that things don't often happen as you expect, but this offered no solace to Ryoji. Rather, it only fueled his growing anger, intensifying the storm brewing within him.

With a heavy sigh, he directed a glare in Kaiyo's direction, hoping to convey his displeasure and establish the boundaries he so desperately craved.

The words that escaped Ryoji's lips, laced with disdain and frustration, were as dismissive as a fleeting gust of wind.


That single word hung in the air, carrying the weight of his frustration, his desire to maintain the walls he had built around his heart.

A brief flicker of confusion danced across Kaiyo's face, a short moment of discomfort and uncertainty.

"Oh. Well, what's your name?" He inquired, trying to forge some sort of connection.

But his attempt fell in vain, as Ryoji remained resolute, refusing to acknowledge Kaiyo's presence, hoping that his silence would deter any further attempts at interaction.

Regardless, Kaiyo pressed on, undaunted by the palpable resistance that hung in the air. Kaiyo's following words, filled with genuine warmth and optimism, clashed with Ryoji's cynical worldview.

"Whatever your name is, I hope we can become good friends in the future!"

A scoff escaped Ryoji's lips, a bitter retort to Kaiyo's well-intentioned words.

We can never be friends. It's for the best.

This was what he told himself—a lie he clung to tightly as he disregarded Kaiyo, retreating further into his emotional fortress.

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