Natanyra Targaryen

230 2 0

97 AC

On the 7th day of the 8th moon in 97 AC. Rhea Royce gave birth to a daughter. That would be the first and only child of both husband and wife.
The babe was blessed by the gods as many would say beloved by all. Well not everyone.

Daemon returned from Dragonstone to hear that his wife and proclaimed bronze bitch had given birth and it was not the son and heir he had hoped for. Not a boy, not something to beat Viserys and his cunt of a hand Otto Hightower at.

To say he was furious would be an understatement. Not only was he forced to marry the plain jane, but she had given birth to a child. It would be harder to ask for an annulment now.

As he walked through the dreary halls of Runestone whilst the maids bowed to him walked past him with blooded sheets and pieces of cloth, he cannot help but think will this child look like him or it's ugly mother.

As he reaches to door of Rhea's room, it suddenly opens with Lady Lyarra Stark.
Lady Lyarra was the definition of a northern beauty. Large chest, small waist, not too tall but not that short either, ocean blue eyes, black hair, tainted cheeks with pink, and a round pear shaped ass. He couldn't help but stare. He wanted her, no he needed her.

But she was too loyal to his wife either way he would have her if it was the last thing he did. To feel her clench around him as he thrusted into her, to have her scream his name as he took her from behind. To see her swell with his child, his son, his heir.

When Lyarra bowed to Daemon he couldn't help but stare at her chest completely forgetting about his newborn and wife.

"Your grace, the lady Rhea" Lyarra said the her sweet and innocent voice that made him hard, to be the one to take the innocence away from her was exciting.

"Thank you Lady Stark, has she given the babe a name yet?" He questioned curiously or perhaps a rude to talk to Lyarra more.

"Yes my prince, she has named her Natanyra Targaryen" Lyarra said looking at him with a smile.

"Daemon- please call me Daemon" Daemon said with his ever-so-charming smile.

"Daemon, let's go meet her, yes?"
Lyarra asked.

As they both entered Rhea laid on her bed with a smile on her face looking at the cot that held her sleeping daughter, her heir as she looked up she was met with Lyarra and Daemon with flowers.

"Ly!, you know I don't want you going to the mountains when I'm in this condition." Rhea said with a smile completely ignoring her husband.

"You dont like me going when you're in any condition" Lyarra replied sarcastically.

Rhea smiles then her smile drops when she sees Daemon who is looking at Lyarra and the cot that holds the babe.

"Husband, have you come to once again consumate our marriage or for the sheep afterall the sheep are prettier." Rhea said taunting him.

"I never would have believed a child could grow in such a hostile womb of yours, I just had to see if the child looked like me or resembled an ogre like you" Daemon said with a smirk in a sickly sweet voice.

Before Rhea could speak Lady Meera Whent spoke: " Why don't you meet your child, my prince?" Trying to defuse the situation.

As Lady Sara Corbray picks up Natanyra and hands here to the prince who just looks at her and says: "She looks bronze."

"She is our daughter, husband." Rhea replies uninterested.

"She looks nothing like me." He says furiously.

The Unwanted Targaryens - ~A Rick Grimes story~Where stories live. Discover now