Chapter 1 (Where It All Began)

Start from the beginning

There is still time before breakfast so I headed back to the room. There are a total of 3 of us in the room; Me, the sponsor (Hugh) and a tag along (Clay). I opened my laptop and uploaded the pictures, while doing so I checked the pictures I took last night at the pageant and looked for the girl I met earlier.

"She really looks different earlier." I said to myself

"Well she is wearing a makeup. What do you expect?" Hugh interrupted just as he woken up.

"No, what I mean is that she looks the same but also different." I replied.

"I don't know what you're getting at." Hugh looked at me with a disappointed look.

What? Did I say something wrong? They are the same person I just thought that they are the same but at the same time not.

"It's the power of makeup guys." Just then even Clay interrupted us before I could even reply back to Hugh

The upload is already finished. Hugh and Clay make the bed; I already did mine. The both of them didn't even freshen up before deciding to go to the hall.

"Hey hurry up, we'll be eating with another group." Hugh shouted at me.

"Yeah one moment." I closed my laptop without even seeing the pictures that I had uploaded. Sad.

The three of us headed at the dining hall. It's not jam packed but there's still a lot of people in here. We waited in line to get our food which mainly contains two sandwiches, a small carton of milk and a small lump of meat within the soup.

"You can barely call this a breakfast . . ." I let out a sigh

"Just deal with it. It is for free." Hugh replied

On the farthest corner of the room a girl is waving at us. Hugh noticed it and waved back then started walking towards there.

The table is pretty big enough for 10 people to eat there. There are a total of 4 of us here. Me, Hugh, Clay and the girl who seems to be a friend of Hugh.

"Let's wait for the others, they're still in line. . ." the girl said to us.

"All right then" Hugh replied.

We put our food on the table and waited for the so called "others". Hope they're females.

Upon waiting for about a minutes the so called others have already arrived they consist of 4 people. And oh what joy has flooded inside me; they're all girls and pretty ones at that. All of them participated at the pageant last night. All the girls are seated across us except for one, the girl who is waving at us earlier that is.

"All right then let's begin the introductions" Hugh said before we could even start eating.

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