compilation #1

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hyeontae: im not gonna let a technicality stop me

irang: a technicality like rules?

hyeontae: yeah i hate those things

hikari: we all have our demons

hikari, gesturing to lingqi: this one's mine

daehyeon: the urge to put on a cute outfit and pretend you're not in the middle of a midlife crisis

jinho: aren't you 20?

sungmin: the "your cat will eat you if you die" argument is so weird like okay?? bon appetite girl

ivan: i have decided i wanna be cremated

tk: like when you die?

ivan: no, just at any time. surprise me

gyurae: someone will die

kaedan: of fun!

hyunbin: want me to leave so you can say bad words?

irang: yeah that would be nice

hikaru: let's play 21 questions

sungmin: uhmm okay. what's your favorite fruit?

hikaru: triangle. my turn, did you steal my shit?

hayato: if karma doesn't hit you, i fucking will

duhyun, on the phone with seokhee: if i were hypothetically stuck to the ceiling, how would you get me down?

taeseon: *minding his own business buying tortilla chips*

hikari, to yuma: see, he knows what he's here for. he knows what he's doing. be more like him. MAKE A DECISION, YUMA

kaedan: i don't need gasoline to start a fire. all i need are my hands and lack of adult supervision!

hyeontae, to irang: we're dead

jaemin: i put a little note in your lunchbox to tell you how much i love you

gyurae: this is a 10 page letter

hyeonggeun: we need to settle this like civilized adults

beomjun: i agree

hyeonggeun: so a rap battle?

beomjun, nodding: a rap battle

taeseon: today is a day of running through hurdles

hyeonggeun: aren't you supposed to jump over hurdles?

taeseon: whatever. fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you

daehyeon: I DID IT

wooseok: no daehyeon, you did it

daehyeon: ???

myungjae: please pray for seunghyun

junwon: what happened to him?

myungjae: nothing, he's just very stupid

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