Prologue (edited)

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Somewhere, an elderly couple is taking a stroll through the mountain.

???: Sure, is nice to take a stroll through the woods, isn't it Kaede?

Kaede: Yes, it is. The leaves are a nice hue of orange, it's a sign that winter is coming

???: once the snow starts to fall, I shall have those three train much harder

Kaede: I know that you've done the same to your old tsuguko back when you were the wind hashira, but why couldn't you go easier on them, Hachiro? They've been through enough

Hachiro: Alright, just this once, I'll go easy on them

After a while of walking, Hachiro felt the presence of many creatures following them.

Hachiro: (there seems to be a lot of them)

Hachiro held his wife's hand and started walking faster.

Kaede: What's wrong dear?

Hachiro: I think something is stalking us

Kaede: a demon!?

Hachiro: it isn't, and there are a lot of them

As they moved faster, a wolf came out of the bushes, blocking their path.

Kaede: A wolf!?

Hachiro: Stay behind me

Hachiro stood between the wolf and his wife and slowly walked away.

Suddenly, more wolves appeared blocking their way back.

Hachiro: Kaede, hold on to me tightly

Hachiro carried his wife in his arms and used total concentration breathing to boost his stamina.

He began running as fast as he could, but the wolves ran after him.

Suddenly, more and more wolves came out of the bushes, forcing him to run in another direction.

As Hachiro ran, he noticed the wolves' unusual behavior.

Hachiro: (What's going on!? It's like they're leading us somewhere)

Hachiro suddenly found themselves in front of a small cave and cornered by wolves.

Hachiro looks around, trying to find a way to escape when he notices that inside the cave is a blue-haired infant resting beside a wolf.

Hachiro: (What's a child doing with a pack of wolves!?)

The wolves whimpered and nudged their nose at the child.

Kaede: Hachiro, I think the wolves want us to get closer

The wolves near the cave moved away, allowing the couple to get closer.

Once they got close, they noticed that the child was an adorable girl with silvery-blue hair.

The elderly couple was immediately charmed by the little girl.

Kaede then noticed that the temperature was high and the child had difficulty breathing.

Kaede: Honey, this little girl is sick! We need to get her to a doctor

Hachiro: (Were the wolves leading us here to help this child!?)

Hachiro removed his haori and wrapped the child in it, then took her doctor.

After the infant had received medical care, the elderly couple decided to adopt the child as their granddaughter.

Hachiro: So Kaede, what should we call our granddaughter?

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