"Needs exploring." Zach finished for her.

"Yeah, exactly. I owe it to myself to do that, you know."

"Definitely, definitely." Zach agreed, scratching his chin.

"Mitch spoke to me earlier as well, actually. He told me that him as Molly are basically finished now because she seems fully set on you or something." Carmen spoke.

"Do you know what it is, after that conversation we had last night- I am taking a liking to her more." Zach explained. "It's still early days in here, but she's pretty open in exploring that with me, you know."

"Yeah." Carmen nodded, looking up at him. "What about your dates? How'd they go?"

"Yeah, the dates were good you know."

"Did you have a favourite?"

"I wouldn't say a favourite. They're both pretty girls, I'm open to get to know them just like- cos we're not closed off yet, you get me?"

"Yeah. I feel like as long as we're honest with each other, then it'll be fine. We both owe it to ourselves to explore other people before closing ourselves off completely." Carmen said, Zach nodding in agreement. "I missed our cuddle last night."

"You know- so did I." Zach spoke.

"The kiss on the forehead was cute though. Especially cos I knew you were still annoyed."

"It's become a routine now, you know." he replied with a smile. "I'm truly glad we're good. Last thing I wanted was for us to be on bad terms. Come, give me a cuddle." Zach said, pulling her by the shoulders so that she was resting against his chest instead of his arm.

"I'm so glad me and Zach could sort things out. I'm still gonna continue getting to know him, but I'm gonna try speak to Ty more as well." Carmen explained.

"You look nice tonight." Tyrique said as sat down besides Carmen.

"Awh, thank you. So do you." Carmen smiled. "You've put more effort in tonight though."

"Got to make a good first impression, you know." he replied.

"How we're the dates, then?"

"Yeah, they were good you know. Both stunning girls but I would say Leah's more my type." Tyrique explained.

"Yeah, they're both really pretty. Was she your favourite then?" Carmen asked as she glanced over at said girl who was talking to Mitch.

"Your my favourite." Tyrique simply replied, meeting her gaze when she turned to face him.

"You're such a flirt." Carmen said, smiling.

"When Ty said, I was his favourite- it did make my smile a bit- but Ty's a very flirty person. I'm just not sure I trust that he's only saying these things to me at the moment."

"Seriously though, she seemed interested in you when I asked."

"I'm not closed off you know- like I wanna get to know the girl so if she pulls me for a chat then I'm gonna chat to her, you get me."

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