"New planet? Two suns?" Raven practically jumped down from her bed. She would have fallen flat on her face if Sam hadn't been there to essentially pick her up in her arms. Those two would never change. "How?"

"Oh, Rav, Rav, Rav, there is so much I need to show you."

"Yeah." I cleared my throat. "Start with why we are the last two awake in this party." I motioned around us.

"Just woke up and already picking up a fight?" Sam nodded as she spoke. "I missed that. Should've woken you up the first time, sure."

"I thought we were better than this."

"Well, to be fair they have only just woken up." Sam pursed her lips, her eyes moving in a circle as if she were thinking. The math could not be that hard. Unless she meant something really deep with that first time of hers. "Like, 2 hours ago."

"And how long have you been awake." Raven grabbed Sam's chin to force her to stay still. "Remember I can still read your lies."

"Well, is the question regarding my brain or my body?"

"I am afraid to ask." I rubbed my temples. "However many years have passed, you're still as annoying as usual. Nothing is ever straightforward around here." I threw my hands in the air. "Where's Emori? Where's the food and the booze?"

"You almost sound actually annoyed." Sam mocked me, shoving me to the side, almost making me slam against Raven's now closing bed. "Someone had to take care of the ship, our direction, the food, the Commander's." She paused for a second as if thinking, looking up before speaking again. "How are their vitals?"

"Their heart rates were normal before you mentioned the separation between your consciousness and physical body."

"What the hell was that!"

I jumped on my place, looking around. That voice was coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. I narrowed my eyes at Sam as she held back her laughter, hiding behind Raven as she looked just as confused as I felt, just much less startled. The rest seemed only entertained. That meant they knew what that was.

A robot? Someone else new on the ship? Oh no. She did not just go making friends around space? Was that even possible? This is Sam, of course, it is possible. I'll believe anything anyone tells me about her whereabouts because as insane as they sound, they will never match the insanity in her head.

That was why I liked her. If anyone could make friends with aliens on a random Tuesday morning, that was the girl that had helped my ass all the way back in Earth Skills. How long ago had that been now? How old were we anyway?

How long have I been asleep? I'm becoming... nicer. Unacceptable.

"I may have doubled in... engineering?" Sam glanced at me. I moved right in front of her with arms crossed over my chest. "Also gardening, piloting, spacewalking–"

"You... what?" I narrowed my eyes at her as she nodded self-satisfied. "How dare you be having fun around this massive ship without me?" I closed my hand in a fist and smacked her upper arm. "As the self-proclaimed hermit of this group, I am deeply offended. And as your best friend, I am incredibly disappointed." I crossed my arms over my chest as she eyed me like a hurt puppy. "Not gonna work." I pointed at Bellamy. "You woke him up before me."

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘯 · 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘥 ⁶जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें