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JO AND PETER walked home together every day. Jo didn't have a ride home because David was still at work when school ended, and Peter preferred the walk. Some days they walked silently with their earbuds in and others they had to pause on the sidewalk, falling over in laughter. Right now, they walked silently with smiles resting on their faces.

Jo had one bud in her left ear and the other was haphazardly tucked into her pocket. She nodded along quietly to "Crying Lightning."

Although there was no conversation and both teenagers were listening to different music, the walk from school to their homes was not awkward. Peter and Jo's friendship was almost instant. Having met each other so young, many interests were shared and they got along quickly. And over time, their connection only grew stronger. By the next year, the two were entirely inseparable. Despite their friendship's flaws, everything always worked in their favor in the end.

They turned a corner leading into their subdivision. Brick buildings too close together, bushes lining small gardens in front yards, and thin trees were all different elements of home to Jo. She paused her music and pulled the bud from her ear as they walked down the sidewalk together. She played with the wiring in her pocket.

The pair stopped outside of her house. Jo stared up at Peter and he looked down at her with a tight-lipped smile. With the usual exchange of "bye" and "see you tomorrow," and a quick hug, he walked across the street to his own house and twisted the knob before walking inside.

Jo walked up the steps to her porch and grabbed her keychain from her bag. She turned the key in the lock of the door and was inside within a span of two minutes. As routine, she walked upstairs and slipped her bag off of her shoulders and to the hardwood floor in one swift movement. Then, she was left to sit in a beanbag chair in the corner of her room, alone with her thoughts.

Throughout the day, schoolwork distracted her and kept her mind occupied from her wildly distracting imagination. However, at the end of every day, they fell down on her like weights. Some days, the result of this was a panic attack which meant Jo ended her day at seven p.m. with tears rolling off of her face and onto her pillow.

Today was a good day, though. Her thoughts were neither positive, nor negative, but they didn't cause more than a teaspoon of anxiety. She was fine. Except, her thoughts weren't what they usually were, even if they were good. They all revolved around Peter Parker. And it's not like she didn't think about Peter constantly (after all, he was her best friend of almost fourteen years), these thoughts were different. Everything Peter had done that day replayed in her mind, everything had been zoomed in and slowed down to a point that it was highly bothersome.

She sat in that chair, trying to focus on something other than the brunette. Many attempts were made in focusing on what they had learned in class earlier, but just choosing a class to review was too difficult. Everything was proving too difficult right now. She sat in a cross-legged position in that chair for just a few minutes before her phone buzzed in her pocket. She flipped it open to reveal Peter's name. 

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