The Dinner Guest

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"You do that," JB said. "Caylee and I will take good care of these appetizers." Then he added in an exaggerated whisper before Jack was out of earshot, "Now you can tell me what you really think of that law firm."

Caylee laughed. "You always were my favorite. Ever since my mom married Jack's mother's third cousin and I became part of the family."

"You know you're like a granddaughter to me."

He picked up one of the fancy appetizers from the plate on the table, then set it back down and seemed to pale slightly.

"What is it, JB?" Caylee was instantly alert.

"No, no, it's nothing," he said, waving her down as she started to get up, then reaching into his breast pocket to pull out a small vial of pills, unscrewing the top, and taking one. He followed it  with a long drink of water while Caylee watched carefully, wondering if she ought to go find Jack, but not wanting to leave JB alone.

"I'm better now," JB said. "Really."

"What's going on?"

"Can you keep it between us?"

"I don't know. That depends on what you tell me."

"I don't want to worry Jack. It's just a touch of angina, and I forgot to take my medicine earlier."

"How many medicines are you on?"

"Two. Three if you count the baby aspirin I take at bedtime. But just two prescription. One to lower my cholesterol and the other is a, what do they call it, a beta-blocker. That's the one that's supposed to prevent the angina pain."

"Let me guess. That's the one you forgot to take."

"It's not a big deal. Preventative only."

Caylee gave him a hard look. "Yeah, I imagine preventing a heart attack would be a good idea."

"Come on now, Caylee, don't make me sorry I told you, Besides, it's mostly just lifestyle changes. Watching what I eat. Getting a little exercise."

JB looked off to the side. "Here comes Jack. Keep quiet now. I don't want to worry him."

"More like you don't want him fussing over you," Caylee said under her breath, but she obliged and changed the subject.

"So how long are you staying in Miami, JB?"

The server showed up just then to deliver their meals, so JB waited.

Then he looked first at Caylee and then at Jack. "Well, now," he said, "to tell you the truth, I'm thinking of making this a permanent move."

Caylee got out of her chair and walked around the table to give him a hug. "I can't think of anything I'd like more than having you here in my new town."

"You're serious?" Jack said. "You'd relocate here permanently?"

"Now don't get all worried. I'm not going to move in with you and your wife."

"You'd be more than welcome. We've got plenty of space."

"Just what a pair of newlyweds need," JB commented. "One of their grandfathers to move in. No, Jack, I'm going to start looking round for a nice condo. One with a view of the water and the downtown. I don't expect they're too hard to find."

"You know," Jack said, leaning forward, you're not getting any younger, Granddad. I don't like the idea of you living alone. You really should consider moving in with Bailey and me."

"I appreciate it, but no." And he set his jaw in a stubborn line, one that Caylee recognized. She'd seen the same exact look on Jack's face and, for that matter, on his father's face as well. 

The Millionaire's Tainted LegacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora