𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊. supersonic

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ANGELICA'S HANDS WERE TREMBLING. She could see the hurt in five's eyes. She could feel the tears streaming down her face. And her mother's cold smirk burned her heart and ached her soul. "I don't like your chances. Seven of us, two of you." Angelica had always known her mother was crafty, but what came next shocked the brunette girl to the core.

Behind the woman stood hundreds of people, suited and booted with weapons of all kinds, ones that she hadn't even seen Diego carrying. "five. we need to get vanya." The raven haired boy ignored her, his mind racing. "five. now!" He turned towards her, eyes holding a heavy weight of pain and betrayal as he looked at her. "you need to go. go find the others." Even in his pained state, his only thought was to protect her. He knew how evil the Handler could be, the torture she could put them through, and Angel was far too pure for it. "be safe, please." His eyes gave her a silent reassurance that everything was going to be alright, as he watched her take off to find the others.

"Angel, we gotta move!" Luther's arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders, pulling her in between himself and allison, his body shielding her from the army behind them. She turned back for a split second, a sigh of relief leaving her lips as she saw Five and Diego running towards them. "Where is Vanya?" The small girl was ignored once more, the rose of her cheeks becoming more evident as her legs carried her as fast as they could.

The group took off towards the barn, bullets flying past them from all angles, as Angel had begun to fall slightly behind the group. She turned for a second, eyes locking on Five's as a searing pain hit her body. As she looked down, a patch of red began to drown her perfectly ironed dress, covering her abdomen in a sheet of blood. Her hands came to cover the wound, her lips widening as she gasped for air.

The short girl had no time to process the bullet lodged in her torso, the adrenaline coursing through her veins pushing her to find the rest of the group, tucking herself back between Allison and Luther, hands clasping the wound across her abdomen tightly. "You okay?" She short girl nodded, giving a pained smile to the tall man, who only eyed her curiously.

The brunette was dragged behind a small tractor, Luther's body completely encasing her figure as he tucked her into his arms, Allison and Klaus at either side of her, each with a hand reaching out to comfort her. This type of trauma was their thing, not hers. "We're gonna be okay, kiddo. I'm sure Five and Diego aren't dead!" Allison reached around to slap Klaus' forehead, before gently stroking Angel's leg and giving her a reassuring smile. "They'll be fine, Angel. Five's got that weird teleporty thingy and Diego has a lot of knives."

She began to breathe heavily, hands still clamped tightly together to hold in as much blood as possible. Luther's arms left Angel's body, coming to wrap around his siblings and hold them all tightly together as an explosion went off, and Angel could faintly make out the silhouette of her boy running inside the house. He was alive.

"Five, are you hurt?" She willed and willed for him to reply, her mind straining as much as it could to hear his voice in the void. "I'm just swell, sweetheart." Before a sigh of relief could leave her lips, a bright light blinded her, and the sonic tone she knew so familiarly began to resonate in her mind. Vanya. The one person who could get them out of this mess. The one person she looked to for help.

The small woman's chest lit up like a firework, sending each Commission assassin flying to their deaths, leaving only Lila and the Handler standing in the middle of the open plains, alone.

Luther slowly began to stand up, bringing Angel, Allison and Klaus with him. As the four slowly turned to see the massacre that Vanya had caused, a bright light in the middle of the plains lit up the farm. "Oh what the fu—" Angel slapped Klaus lightly, giving him the famous death stare, one that was far too adorable to take seriously.

A blast of energy sent each member of the Hargreeves family, and Angel, flying into the atmosphere around them, Angel's frail body hitting the side of the house with a thud, before she was grabbed and pulled inside the house with Five. As she caught her breath, she quickly pushed her hands over her stomach once more, not allowing her boy to see the weeping wound that she was slowly succumbing to.

Five quickly pulled the small girl up, as well as hauling Luther from the ground, as a ton of bricks came down upon him, right as he pushed the two out of the way. "Five!" Luther pushed the brunette backwards, ripping each brick away from his youngest brother, finding his body in a heap underneath them. "No, no, no, no. No!" As Angel screamed, trapped in her own mind, a shockwave came from within, piercing the ears of everyone in the plains, including Lila, who doubled over in pain, gripping her head.

The small girl took it upon herself to storm out of the house, the pain rippling through her stomach suddenly meaning nothing to her. The adrenaline coursing through her body carried her towards Lila, each nerve in her body in overdrive. She was overcome with anger, an emotion so foreign to her. But she had hurt her family. She had hurt Five. That was something unforgivable to her.

"Oh. Little one's come to play." Angelica was seething. Pulses of sonic energy blasted through her body, screaming in her mind, and Lila's. The woman doubled over in pain for a moment, before a smirk came to her lips. "That's a nice trick, little one." A maniacal laugh left the British woman's lips, before a scream was let into Angel's mind, causing the small girl to fall to her knees, arms wrapped around her head in pain.

"I think i'll leave you and Five for last, hm. Maybe i'll even let him watch you die."

"I cant wait to watch you take your last breath, Lila. And you will."

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