What's Hidden isn't Erased

Start from the beginning

"Then what song reminds you of me?" Steve asks shyly as he unconsciously moves closer to her.

Y/n turns to look at him, chuckling, trying to think of a song that isn't romantic that reminds her of Steve, which turned out to be harder than she thought.

"Working for the Weekend by Loverboy was basically written for you," Y/n says with a smile as she stares at Steve. This wasn't necessarily a lie; she did think the song resonated a lot with Steve, but if she was able to tell the truth, she would've said 'Back to the Old House' by the Smiths and 'Twist of Fate' by Olivia Newton-John, as they both put Y/n's feelings into words, as well as one could put her emotions into words at least.

Steve cackled at Y/N's response with a bright smile on his face. "I love that song," he said as he looked into Y/n's eyes.

Y/n felt her heart flutter a bit and couldn't help but smile back, saying, "Yeah, it's definitely one of my favourites." She watched Steve closely and continued to listen intently as Steve started to hum the tune. Something inside Y/n felt joyous at how easily they could talk with each other like there was no need to be someone else but themselves. Steve liked this as well; Y/n was probably the only person that really knew him, and he was always happy when he was around her.

Y/n couldn't help but be drawn to Steve; it was like they shared an unspoken connection that was calming and comforting. She felt a tingle of excitement deep within herself as she found herself falling for Steve even more.

"So, your essay," Y/n begins saying as she focuses on why they were here in the first place.

"Right, yes," Steve replies.

"So I went over and made some notes; you compared your basketball game to your grandfather winning the war, right?" she asks, double-checking the information as she looks at the essay.

"Yes," Steve said, looking embarrassed and staring down at the paper, "and I know what you're going to say; they don't connect-"

"Well, they do." Y/n pointed out, "You're not technically wrong by comparing both topics since you can thematically connect them."

Steve sighed, looking back up at Y/n, "Don't try and make me sound smart."

"I'm not trying to make you sound anyway; I'm simply saying what I see." She said with a gentle tone, "Connecting your basketball game to your grandfather winning the war does make sense; it just feels like you're overcomplicating your essay." Y/n began explaining, trying to help Steve.

He just grabbed the essay and crumbled the paper as he threw it away. "This is stupid; there's no point in doing this; I'm not smart enough for college; I should just work for my dad; I'm sorry for wasting your time Y/n-" Steve says as he stands up and starts grabbing his things.

"Steve, stop," Y/n said sternly as she looked up at him. Steve was surprised by Y/n's sudden change of tone and turned to look at her, knowing better than to make her angry. "This is not stupid; you're not an idiot, and you can get into college if you want to; you're more than smart for it. Now pick up your essay and sit down so I can actually help you."

"Okay, sorry," he says, picking up the crumbled piece of paper and taking a seat.

"It's okay, you don't need to be sorry; I get irritated too sometimes; it happens to the best of us," Y/n says kindly with a gentle smile as she unfolds the essay paper. "Now, do you want me to help you rewrite this essay, or do you want to do a new one?"

"A new one; I don't like this one." Y/n nods and moves the paper away as she grabs a new one.

"Alright then, let's start from zero."

A Chemical Reaction Called Love (Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now