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"Were almost there" i faintly heard my mom say while she gentally shakes me

"Wake UPP" belly screams then aggressivally shakes me

"im up! im up!" i say putting my arms in the air defenstively

Belly giggles and smiles i look out the window and i see cousins beach and houses, i smile memories flow back into my head of the summers spent here i turn to belly and shes smiling just like me i look out the window again and see the back of the houses right next to us then i see the back of our house i kick my feet because that means we are about to turn off the main street and onto our street with our home, ours.

Steven turns off of the main rode and belly and i scream so exited to arrive. We roll down our windows and wave at everyone we pass on the smaller house street right before the big houses.
We live on the "big" house street even though our house is just the right size for all of us to live in.

We take a turn to "big house street" and few houses down we see our house. we all smile at eachother then we pull up to our house, steven puts in the gate code then we pull up right in front of the house.

Belly and i stumble to get out of the car and mom then steven right after us. We all see suzan running out of the house and smile she looks like she doesnt have a care in the world she looks so happy

"Ohh myy jelly bellys you two are so big" she says and hugs us both

i dont mind when she calls me jelly its diffrent when she says it, when she says it, its happy, sweet and silly when anyone else calls me jelly its as though im back as a child getting called jealous because i didnt want to be left out, im NOT jealous

"Hii! I missed you" belly and i say in sync

both steven and our mom say hi to suzan whilr belly and i stay stand there looking for conrad and jereimiah

Bellys face lights up and she has the biggest smile when she sees conrad and he walks up to me and belly and hugs me

"woah sandy you change alot! huh?" he says while hugging me

Sandy is a nickname i love it started before any of us kids could remember, my mom and suzana gave it to me because since i was a baby i would never leave the sand or ocean so i was coved in sand this nickname was sweet and innocent i loved it.

conrad released the hug and smiled at me for a moment
I missed conrad so much, me and conrad where always close until the past 2 summers, he just gor moody. i was so happy to hug my best friend again

"hey bells" conrad says to belly then give her a side hug, belly looks disapointed that all she got was a side hug after she saw conrad give me a huge hug. i roll my eyes at conrad and bellys unnecessary jealousy, she should of had the nickname jelly

then turn around and see-

The Summer We Turned Pretty 🐚 Y/N x JeremiahWhere stories live. Discover now