celebrating in 3 days

Começar do início

Ora: oops

Tommy: *whispers* maybe that's why fundy hates you...

Wilbur: what?

Tommy: nothing!

Tubbo: anyway, fundy say that you needed us

Wilbur: oh yeah the reason is that you two will be in banned from L'manburg only for 2 days

Tommy: but, what about my birthday?

Ora: wait, that's not we say!-

Wilbur: shut your mouth

Tubbo: but why?

Wilbur: because you guys almost kill yourselves!!

Tommy: fine, we will leave

Wilbur: good!

Tommy:*grabs tubbo and leaves L'manburg*

Wilbur: okay guys, we should get ready for Tommy's birthday okay

Ora: okay

Wilbur: jack and niki you place balloons every where

Jack: okay

Niki: ok

Wilbur: fundy and Ora you guys will place confetti everywhere and after that you guys can go buy birthday candles

Ora: okay

Fundy: money?

Wilbur: okay here, everyone gets $400 because you guys gotta buy him a present

Fundy: thanks, come on,Ora!

Ora: okay!

Wilbur: and I make another birthday cake and more food

After hours finding presents and decorating for Tommy's birthday

With Tommy and tubbo after they left the L'manburg

Tommy: hmmm, where to go

Tubbo: *See's a bee hive* oooooo!

Tommy: huh?

Tubbo: look! Bees! :D

Tommy: nice, you can play with the bees and I try find our way home okay

Tubbo: okay

After 2 hours of trying find which way to go home

Tubbo: bro, it been two hours

Tommy: hmm, let's fly over there

Tubbo: okay

Tommy: *starts flapping the wings*

Tubbo: I wish I can fly

Tommy:*grabs tubbo by the arms* ready to go 40 feet up high?

Tubbo: yeahhhh-

Tommy:*flys 40 feet up high*

Tubbo: man, flying is so fun

Tommy: it is! Now let's gooo *flys towards there house*

Quackity: hmmm

Schlatt: oh look! It's tubbo and Tommy

Quackity: where!?

Schlatt: in the sky

Quackity: kids!

Tommy:*drops tubbo into the water*

Tubbo: weeee! *falls into the water* that was fun!

Quackity: ik, but you need to shower now same thing goes to you

Tommy: fine! *stops flying and lands into quackity arms*

Quackity: let's go

After showering for 8 minutes

Quackity: there

Tommy: thanks!

Quackity: no problem but the elections are almost here

Tubbo: yeah! And Tommy's birthday!

Quackity: yup! And I got you two a present incase if I forget

Tommy: yay!

Tubbo: thanks mom!

Quackity: but one question what happened?

Tubbo: what you mean?

Quackity: you guys where tired and Tommy looked tired and weak

Tubbo: well Wilbur banned me and Tommy from L'manburg for two days

Quackity:*realizes* oooh! Yeah, hey it's okay you guys sleep here

Schlatt: okay, but why banned tubbo and Tommy

Quackity:*whispers schlatt about Tommy's birthday surprise* just act

Schlatt: *whispers back* oooh, okay I will

Tommy: I don't know

Schlatt: me and your mom will make some food

Tubbo: okay!

Quackity: hey dear, I put the kids for a nap

Schlatt: okay

Quackity: come on you two

Tommy: okay!

Quackity:*picks up Tommy and tubbo*

Tommy: I hope you win the elections, mom!

Quackity: I will *opens their bedroom door* okay you two go to your beds

Tubbo: okay *goes into bed*

Tommy:*goes to bed*

Quackity: I will tell you guys a bedtime story okay

Tommy: okay!

Quackity:*tells story about how Sam helped him with Tommy when he was 8 months old*


Tommy: *sleeps to*

Quackity:*leaves there bedrooms and close their door* I ready to help you with the cooking!

Schlatt: okay!

After 10 minutes of cooking

Schlatt: I wake up the kids

Quackity: okay

Schlatt:*goes to kids room and wakes them up* get up the food is ready

Tommy: okay

Tubbo: okay!

Schlatt:*picks up tubbo and takes him to the table*

Tommy:*walks to dinner table*

Quackity: how was your guys nap

Tommy: it was okay!

Tubbo: I had great dream about bees

Quackity: that's cool

Schlatt: y'all should eat or the food gets cold

Tommy: okay!

After eating

Quackity: you guys wanna hang out in the park later on?

Tubbo: ummm can we do it tomorrow?

Schlatt: sure, plus it's getting late

Tommy: okay! I will brush my teeth

Tubbo: same here!

After brushing their teeth

Quackity: okay kids ready to sleep

Tubbo: yup

Tommy: *goes to sleep*

Quackity: that was quickly

Tubbo: anyway goodnight!

Quackity: night *leaves kids room*

Schlatt:*just sleeping in their bed*

Quackity: *goes to the bathroom and brushes their teeth and goes to bed*

The next day

                            To be continued......

if Tommy was quackity sonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora